Sunday, November 22, 2020

Things of Thankfulness

 1. A Thanksgiving feast, at least one more time with the phamily. Missing our little newlyweds Hannah and Jake but we wish them an equally beautiful day together. Grateful for all the goodness we have been provided. God is good, He is very very good.

2. A grateful moment to thank God for prayer and the fact that He listens to each one of us. Don't believe me, give Him a try. He will never disappoint you or leave you alone. 

3. Grateful and thankful for our middle. She cut all the carrots, potatoes and onions and celery for Potato Cheese soup. She also grated a huge block of extra sharp cheese. The she baked bread.Thankful.

4. Did I fail to mention, she baked blueberry muffins from scratch for breakfast? With bacon on the side. She is a good daughter.  Thankful and Grateful for her kind heart.

5. Grateful to have completed some shopping for the littles. It is always fun to shop for them. We scaled down CHRISTmas the last few years but grateful and thankful one more year to do it with them. Thankful. 

6. Thankful for a hubby that does so many little projects. I never fail to appreciate him. He is so important to me. Grateful. A keeper, a faithful man who trusts God first and foremost. A delightful hubby who makes me laughs even though I have one eye open and he is rolling out the funny stories early in the morning before darkness leaves the sky. Grateful.

7. Grateful and joyful to have a partner in this life to hold me up, beat me at Gin Rummy, and take care of me. He is one of a kind and I am so thankful he is here with me.

8. Thankful for all of life's small blessings. I always say the little things are truly the big things. I can not stop saying it. God has blessed us in many ways and I am always so grateful. 

9. Grateful for CHRISTmas cheer. I love all the little ornaments and different treasures we have collected through the years. Although they are only temporary, they add some fun to the holidays. Thankful

10. Thankfully jumping for joy that THANKSgiving week is here and we can get busy getting it all put together. Grateful to have a table to share.

A Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving with love.

Thanksgiving Questions:

1. What did you do for Thanksgiving when you were a kid?
My folks did Thanksgiving is a big way. We usually had a crowd around the table and mom cooked so many beautiful dishes. My aunt and uncle always joined in and auntie Ang made the best pies.

2. What's your favorite phamily tradition?
We do a Secret Santa and although it is getting smaller each year it is tons of fun and we all love it. We buy gifts for the three grands and two great grands but we put lots of effort into our gift giving for our Secret Santa.

3. What's your favorite way to give back and help others?
We support the little church where our daughter Rebekah and her hubby Zach were married three years ago (Dec 2, 2017). We donate dry food and canned goods. We also adopt a phamily at CHRISTmastime. But we do kindness always so that counts too.

4. Name one person that can make you laugh, even months later. Why?
Avery, my husband! He is a natural born comedienne and he rolls out of bed telling silly tales and jokes and assorted other silliness. I love him so much and I am not a huge morning person. But 36 years years later we are still at it.

5. What is the funniest thing you remember about a Thanksgiving past?
About 11 years ago we turned on the burner instead of off and  a side dish exploded and flew everywhere! It scared us all to pieces but there were no injuries' and we survived with the rest of the dinner. 

6. Do you have any unusual traditions, rituals or habits around Thanksgiving?
Yes, we name the turkey. We have to undress him first to decide on a good name and sometime we laugh and argument but it is all in good fun. 

7. What time do you eat your Thanksgiving meal?
Since our oldest son and middle daughter spend some time with their in-laws we do the early dinner about 1 P.M. so they can get to their other later dinner.

8. Name one ancestor you think about on Thanksgiving and tell us why.
That is a tough one but my dad. He loved the feast mom prepared and he always complimented her. I can see his smile to this very day. Oh how he loved my mom!

9. Is their a phamily heirloom at the Thanksgiving table? What's its story?

An old pig platter I bought at Big Lots when we were newlyweds. Our daughter Noelle will bake a ham this year so the ham will sit on the pig platter.

10. What is your favorite part about Thanksgiving Day?
I like to dress up, my hubby is jeans and t shirt casual and most of the kids are too. I have lots of nice clothes and since I do not work any longer I Like to enjoy wearing them. Plus I always wear an apron. It is something I Learned from my mom and grandma.

11. What is something that was done for you this year that makes you grateful this Thanksgiving?
I think just knowing the kids and my hubby still have jobs. We never know what tomorrow will bring so that is something all of us are very grateful for.

12. What foods do you usually have for Thanksgiving?
Traditiional things, turkey, stuffing, ham, mashed and scallop potatoes. Green bean casserole, corn, cut green beans, salad, relish tray and fruit tray. We also have pumpkin and usually apple pie. With whipping cream. We may try to make a cheesecake from scratch. If not now for CHRISTmas.

13. How has the celebration of Thanksgiving today changed from when you were little?
Our parents are both gone for the hubby and I. Many loved ones too. So it is melancholy for me. I think of them all. My hubby loved conversations with his dad and his mom was excellence cook too so he thinks about those things.  We do things very much like the way we were raised. My hubby prayers and we all talk about what we are thankful for. It will be wonderful this year because we know the future is so uncertain. 

14. If you could share Thanksgiving dinner with one person in history who would it be? Why? (Note: it can be a relative).
Goodness, that is hard. I would love to see all our loved ones but since it is not impossible I will go with John the Baptist. He is a real hero to me. He refused to go along with the wickedness of the world. He believed in Jesus and I want to sit and talk with him one day on the other side. 

15. What is one wish you have for the next generation as they begin to establish their own Thanksgiving traditions?
Not to be a negative Nelly but this world is headed for disaster. I hope they choose to believe the truth and follow Jesus. I hope if they have an opportunity to marry or raise a phamily, they continue to follow what they were taught and they are kind and not hopeless and know love and spread it.

Visit Bev  and thank her for hosting and enjoy all the great answers. Thank you for stopping by. 



MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have always hated to cook and I'm not a really good cook I can only cook basic things you know like spaghetti and feeling. Those one-pot dishes. So the most thing I would be grateful for is if I had a daughter who can make muffins from scratch and who would chop up all those vegetables. You are truly blessed with all that you are grateful for

Mevely317 said...

I so love the way you thoughtfully answer these questions! And what I'd give to have a daughter like your Rebekah. Unlike any other young lady, she sounds like a real gift.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Naming the turkey, that sounds like fun! Your daughter is amazing, she must love to cook and bake.

pilch92 said...

Nice to learn more about you through the questions. I agree, it is a lot of fun buying gifts for the little ones. :) XO

messymimi said...

It is fun to read the answers, someday i would love to have time to answer them, too.