Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ten Things of Thankful and Wordless Wednesday

 I have participated with Kristi and ClarkDyanneLisa and Pat! So although I am running very late I am going to do my ten things of thankful here:

1.Thankful the weather has cooled somewhat and we are not seeing or feeling the air pollution from the fires that we had been having during the hot summer.

2. Thankful we can talk with our grands daily and see photos of them when we can't be together in person.

3. Thankful for more grands:

4. Addy and her two friends were Alvin, Theodore and Simon. Friendship is a wonderful thing. Something truly to be thankful for. 

5. Thankful for trusting souls who have graced my life. People like Mollye (Meredith) who I had met through blogging. She was the rare friends who asked how you were and waited to  hear the answer. Today people are so wrapped up in gadgets and their own personal space, they do not stop to look you in the eye or truly care when they ask how you are. I find it sad and will always be thankful for those rare gems who were true friends.

6. Thankful for good neighbors. We keep an eye out for each other and we love our neighborhood. It is good to have people around you who care.

7. Thankful for our law enforcement. Rarely do they get compliments. But our city has a fine police force and they are there when you need them, which is good but also makes a person feel safer.

8. Thankful for a hubby who works all day and often whips up taco meat or takes care of little things that need to be done around the house.

9. Thankful for fresh sheets. We have the adjustable beds and they are split so they require the Twin XL sheet sets. Sometime I make the beds and need to lie down for ten minutes to recuperate.

10. Currently I am very thankful for the freedoms I have. I know not everyone feels the same way about so many different issues but freedom is something never to take for granted. Once it is taken away, once it is gone, you can not have it back.

 Although I love autumn or fall as much as I love the springtime, November is one of those bittersweet months for me. My mother will be gone nineteen year son the 16th of this month. But it is also the birthday of my late BFF, my maternal grandmother. My mind is filled with memories and many good moments I spent with my loved ones gone before me. It feels me with some sadness, yet I would never wish them back to this life. Things are happening very quickly in the US and we will be going backward instead of forward sooner then most believe. I am grateful I am not long for this world and know where my true home is.

This is Mount Baldy in Grand Lake, Colorado. Widlfires came through this beautiful area of our state. I believe some of the fires have been contained as our air quality is much better and the skies seem . clear.     I am not very wordless on this  Wordless Wednesday. But it is good to share somethings we know something about. Have a wonderful day.


Mevely317 said...

Gurl, I do believe you're a "Bloggers' Blogger"! Miz Mollye would be proud. Yes, anyone who asks "how are you" and waits for an answer is very special. I'll never forget when we first toyed with the thought of moving here: We'd stopped for a bite to eat; and approaching the front door an old man coming out held the door and asked that question. He waited, fully expecting a response and making eye contact the whole time. I've encountered many souls like that down here.

Bittersweet memories, yes. I like to think of them as Silent Anniversaries of the Heart. HUGS!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You did it again came up with ten things to be thankful for I think you deserve an award for finding so much to be thankful for and it's hiding in all of our Lives we just have to look for it

Martha said...

Lovely list of things you are thankful for and I love the photos :)

Louca por porcelana said...

Lovely post,my friend!

Sandee said...

Your list of thankful things I could write as well. Life is so precious.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a blessed day, Anne. Big hugs. ♥

messymimi said...

A wonderful list!