Sunday, November 8, 2020


 1. I am thankful for being able to express my feelings. I grew up in a kind and loving home so saying I love you is part of my daily routine. We have a grandson who is a kind boy. He is only two and  nine months in another 11 days but he will tell you straight up "I love you" and he means it most sincerely. I think that and hugging are two expressions of affection that I truly am thankful for.

2. Thankful today for the memories with made with Brody and Blake too, Thankful that we can keep these sweet moments locked up in our heart. For all the things going on in the world, my week was good at home because I was small people who show unconditional love and you can not buy that kind of love.

3. I am thankful for traditions. With Thanksgiving coming up we draw names after dinner and we do a Secret Santa gift. It has been fun . One year we bought vintage gifts, another year we did gift cards. It is fun to see what we come up with. We have fun and for that I am grateful too.

4. Thankful for the childhood I grew up with and the home my father built for his phamily and all the years of love I had with my parents and siblings. All those good memories are stored away for those days when things get tough. Grateful no one can steal my memories and all the good things I was raised with. Thankful.

5. Thankful that we live where we can enjoy the four seasons. Although sometime I feel like winter lingers on longer I don't think I could live anywhere else. We have had some beautiful weather and now the cold is settling back in and windy days and colder nights are here to stay for a while. We live where the weather can change five times in ten minutes. But both the hubby and I grew up here and we will always love our state.

6. Thankful for friendships. I have been blessed with some wonderful lifelong friendships. I have some from jobs I've held and many friends from blogging. No matter how you met your friends, when they are true they will always be here. I am very grateful.

7. Thankful for blogging. Without all of you, I would not continue to write. My friend told me to try it, 11 not 10 years ago (haha) . Then my cousin wrote about our neighborhood and our childhood. He encouraged me to keep writing. I decided if nothing else, I would write as a way to journal. It has been a wonderful 11 years and I hope I will continue it for a long while. 

8. Thankful for fuzzy socks. I get cold feet. In the wintertime I like to put my feet under a warm blanket and snuggle in for the night. So sometime until I can hop into my bed I like to wear my soft, fuzzy socks. They are great too if you need to moisturize your feet. I have several pairs of them and use them in the cold weather months. I am grateful, because I am blessed. I have so much more then I am deserving of.

9. I am thankful and grateful and always eager to help out great organizations like the Salvation Army, the Ronald McDonald House and St. Jude's. There are numerous organizations in the metro area that help the less fortunate. I am grateful to help. My phamily is always grateful to help.

10. I am thankful I can still pray and talk out loud about my faith. I Pray the day never comes when that is taken away but I know it is happening all around the world. So I take a deep breathe and trust in the One who gave His life for me. I am extremely grateful and thankful for my faith. 

I love this verse. Two people in my life have shared this with me. Once when I was very young, working in the county courthouse with a sweetheart of a gal named Lucille Saverino. We were told if the "opposition" were elected we would all be out of a job. Lucille gave me this verse and then she said , what were you doing when you found this job? I replied, looking for work. She said well then we will all find new jobs. Later in the 1980's when I worked for the University Hospital, I worked with a gal named Marye White. The other black girls called her the church lady. We were having a conversation around the lunchroom and she shared this verse saying, remember you can always trust God. People will let you down but He never will. I never forgot those two ladies. So this is a go to verse in times of sadness, troubling situations and flat out mean people. I know 100% who will never let me down.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

This is one of the verses that I have memorized I have maybe 30 that I have memorized over the years. The one that I used the most out of my memory is fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God. I will comfort you and I will lift you up by my righteous right arm

Ginny Hartzler said...

No matter who wins any election, God is still in control. You are so truly aware of all your blessings! I love living in a place where there are all 4 seasons, even though I hate the early dark!

Mevely317 said...

You know, sometimes I get more spiritual healing from my blog friends than in church. The last 24 hours I've been in such a sorry state of mind; your words and this verse are sure comforting.

I can't remember how/when we met, but I'm SO glad you blog!

Louca por porcelana said...

I am thankful for your friendship. I am thankful for all the Bible verses you share in your blogs. Yes,wait in the Lord.Difficult times for the whole world...Hugs

messymimi said...

Indeed, this is a verse i turn to time after time.

Love your list, and yes, i am especially thankful we still have freedom to an extent.