Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Blessings & Burdens


1. Blessings and so much better than negative burdens. Although there is a time to share your burdens but only with those you can trust one hundred percent! Out of three people I could bare my soul to, two of them Mollye and Vivian have passed away, but only from this earth. Now my hubby is the only one I have left but he gets me. He is logical where I can be emotional. He always find the bright side and takes good care of me. I love him so much. Thankful

2.Grateful I Had people like Elisabeth Elliot and James Dobson and Kevin Lehman to help me during those tough child rearing years. Without their kind hearts and God's grace, I would have been an utter failure. But there was my hubby standing strong and we had what we did to raise the best kids we could. Thankful.

3. Thankful to always be standing with my husband. I shudder when I see these younger gals mock their hubby's or make light of them. Two women I knew, hated that their hubby's snored. Both of them used not only separate beds but separate rooms. When the first lady's hubby passed away she said she wished she slept by his side and would always now miss the sound of his snoring. Same thing with second person. You never know what you truly miss until it is gone. When my hubby snores I kiss his face. He stops. SMILE! My dad use to say if you want separate lives, STAY SINGLE!  Grateful we have a marriage like our parents. 

4. Thankful for a quiet, cold and snowy morning to enjoy my coffee and another blueberry muffin. Gave me extra time to pray and list a mental note of all I am truly grateful and thankful for. Grateful.

5.  Thankful and Grateful I can watch the twinkle of the lights on our tree. One of my most favorite things.

6. Grateful for conversation with loved ones. You never know when you will have that last conversation so make it a good one. Thankful.

7. Thankful for all the good days and most importantly the bad ones too. They give us the opportunity to know what to avoid in the future. I get headaches if I eat too many sweet things or too much caffeine. I know my balance although it is still hard around the holidays.  Grateful.

8. Grateful for hot drinks on a cold day and always prayerful for the less fortunate. I never understood how you can turn people outside when the weather is severe. There has to be some balance to allow human dignity to not fall aside. Thankful someone may be able to solve this on going issue and soon..

9.  Thankful for games and silly song and all the wonders of childhood. Harrison is so imaginative. I will always enjoy his company. Grateful.

10. Grateful for many good days and counting on them to continue. No matter what happens I want to stay on the right side of God and his goodness and grace. Times are going to be very uncertain in the USA and we can not let go of God. Those that do will be lost forever. Jesus said he will return in the twinkling of an eye. I want to witness it and go home with Him forever. Thankful for parents who knew these truths and raised me right. I feel badly for those who never listened to their parents, who never shaped a personal relationship with Jesus and who go on to the ways of this world. It hurts my heart. 

I stopped by Dolly's to share and wanted to give a quick reminder to join the postcard Exchange/Giveaway here and at my blog Phamily Blog . I had my 11th blogaversary November 1, 2020. Hoping many of you will still join the fun and the giveaway will be great. 


Mevely317 said...

You've some pretty powerful stuff here! What resonates most, you never know when you will have a last conversation with someone. Believe you me, I've more than my share of Regrets. My daddy was right when he predicted, "Someday you'll cry bitter tears."
As ever, thanks for reminding us what's Really Important.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Have a wonderful day tomorrow. When hubby snores, I flop up and down, jiggle the mattress and he turns over. he doesn't snore very loud, but sometimes the stereo of him on once side and Beau on the other, even though he is on his dog bed, gets a bit much. when bob gets on my last nerve and trust me he does, after 36 years, the last 22 retired, to much is to much. what i do when I am upset with him, is start to list in my head his good points and soon I forget he is on my last nerve. until the next time. I am thankful I live in the sunshine state, we both love sunshine and it is almost always here. also gratefulwe can pay the power bill when the sun shine HEATS UP
About those pricelss treasures in my nook. the most expensive thing up there cost 15.00. everything else was last. only 2 are leaded glass, the candy dish was a gift from a friend, and the cat i paid 7 dollars at the flear market.

pilch92 said...

Wonderful thankfuls. I want to join the postcard exchange, I emailed you, but not sure if you got it. XO

messymimi said...

Beautiful list, and thank you for your patience as i try to catch up on my blog reading.