Monday, November 16, 2020

Grateful and Thankful Every Day

 1. Grateful that each one of you that stops here or at my cares enough to be here. I am genuinely thrilled to see your comments. When I first started to blog there were people with magnificent blogs. Lots of ads, lots of followers, lots of fancy homes and things they owned. But one thing lacking in about 99% of them was the fact that they were not genuine. They wanted the  numbers. One by one I started to delete their blogs from my reading list and instead filled it with folks just like me, going through the daily grind of jobs and kids and real life. I find manners to be delightful and when I find people who have them, I do a happy dance. Trust me the poor dogs, somedays I think they wonder, is she losing her mind or just really a giant nerd? So thank you for being genuine and most importantly, thank you for being you. Thankful for your friendship here.

2. Thankful for our son Jeremy. He found a great deal on the iphones 12 and tonight he set them up for us. So grateful for his knowledge of all things tech related. I am getting better. I am learning it more each day. He is a real gem of a son and he knows history really well too. Very proud of him. Oh did I mention he is a great son, brother, uncle, dad, husband, friend too? He is an all around good guy and my favorite memory of him, was as a small boy climbing into our bed and reading me a  Mercer Mayer book for the very first time. Such a joy to hear him read out loud. He is great person and I am glad God gave him to us. Grateful.

3. Grateful for new recipes. I love getting recipes. Just don't ask our daughter Rebekah! (hahaha). SHe will tell a tall tale and say "my mother has thousands of recipes, in binders, in recipes files." not believe this girl and her tall tales. I love trying new things. Today I found a pie I would like to try for the holidays. Don't tell on me ok? Thankful.

4. Thankful for the ability to help a phamily during the holidays. When our children were young we had some tough times. I still do not know who it was, but someone turned our name into the  c/w/ radio station CHRISTmas program where local police delivered gifts to phamilies. I was stunned when an officer showed up at my door when I was recovering from surgery and delivered gifts for everyone. Then my friend Lorna arrived with her parents who gave us enough food and gifts to feed an army and gifts to make the tree filled with joy for the kids. We always said we would pay it forward someday and we always have.  The first time I paid it forward, I worked with a very different kind of boss. She was middle aged, single, from a wealthy  phamily and di not have a lot of good social skills. She had breast cancer and through her journey she found a phamily who needed holiday help. The kids wanted things like socks and shoes and coats. We all filled their home with so much stuff. The children had never seen boxed cereal like Chex, Trix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch etc. Patty delivered all the goods and said she was so overwhelmed she drove away and parked her car in a parking lot and wept for all she had seen and all everyone had pitched in to give.  Those memories and all we can do today makes me Grateful. 

5. Grateful a friend from high school living in Alaska told us her 95 year old mom had a check up today and the doctor said she was in excellent health. She asked him what he could prescribe for arthritis and he said "Dark Chocolate". He said she is such good health because she also walks one mile every single day. W O W ! Oh, they stopped at Costco to fill that script - dark chocolate it is. Thank doctor is a true man of his profession, caring for those in need without lining his pockets with Big Pharm cash! We need more doctors like him. Thankful.

6. Thankful my appointment with the new derm doctor went so well. She was a real gem, so honest and kind and very funny. I told her my sister Mary and I inherited a unicorn horn on the back of our heads from our dad. She got a real kick out it and the fact that I told her my sis thinks we are definitely related to frogs or more formally known amphibians! Grateful. 

7. Grateful for the warmer weather. The sun was breathtaking coming up this morning, so I stepped outside and took a photo. It was warm, in the 50's and we were happy and could not complain. Thankful. 

8. Thankful I spent the whole day with my honey. We had our haircuts and he was done sooner then me, because he has less hair! But when I was done he was chatting with the stylist about what's going on in our country and she was genuinely interested. My stylist was a sweetheart and we had the best conversation. It was a good appointment and we were Grateful.

9. Grateful the auto repair shop across the road from us is going to look at our Kia and let us know the damages to repair it. It is older and needs extra TLC. If it is too costly we will have to find a way to budget for another car. Thankful, he has done other work for us and is honest which leads us to believe that is why his garage is filled with others needing repairs too. Thankful.

10. Thankful for nights that make rest come easy. The hubby fell asleep quickly as he has a busy work day tomorrow.  I can sleep in and for that I am extremely grateful. I am forever Grateful.

See you soon. Sweet dreams and get your rest. 


Martha said...

It's always so nice to read your beautiful grateful posts :)

Mevely317 said...

First and most important (IMHO) ... I LOVE what you've written about genuine people. At my last job I was surrounded by people but inside, I felt really lonely.
Your recollections of how the lean years prompted your own giving, has touched my heart. Whatever happened to Patti, do you know? I think I'd like to do something like that for an individual family. All the years at my workplace soliciting for and buying gifts on behalf of the Angel Tree project really soured me. I guess no-one vetted the recipients. Come the day parents were to pick up the presents, almost every so-called hardship was driving up in luxury cars. Others were taking their stuff back to Wal-Mart, Target, etc. and exchanging the toys. I know that's not indicative of all charities, but I even see it here each Monday at our church's Loaves and Fishes (food) ministry, the 'hungry' are driving nicer cars than my own.

Sorry to hijack your blog! HUGS!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did the same thing you did, when i first started blogging 11 years ago, i just friended who friended me, got out of control. when I realized i had to stop and let go, i did the real people thing also.. the ones most like me. as in birds of a feather flock together.yay for the new phones.
and a blessing to have a techie son to help.
my family was poor, but never had to accept help, but even though we were poor, we always helped other families that were poorer than we were.
my dad was a pastor, our family visited a church memeber, a family of 3 living in to my horrors, a tiny 2 room shack.. we went to visit and they had NOTHING. in one corner they had propped a branch off a lolobbly pine tree in a bucket, just a branch, it has pop corn on it and no lights.
when we left i was in tears, i was 16 and working a part time job at my aunts day care for after school. i spent my next two weeks pay buying thing for them and mother and i delivered. it was one of the best moments ever.

Rita said...

Love the gratitude posts! :)

pilch92 said...

Wonderful list of thankfuls. I am honored that you find my silly blog worthy of visiting. It is nice to have a younger person in the family that can help you with electronic devices. :) XO

messymimi said...

Such a wonderful list. It's always a joy to help others this time of year. We can't do much, but we can do something, and so we do.