Sunday, November 29, 2020

Gratefulness & Thankful

 1. Grateful that the past four days were amazing and we accomplished so much. I always get sad when my Sweets has to return to work. But I am happy he has a steady job with benefits and no matter what is in the future, I am praying we are in it together. Thankful.

2. Thankful for simple pleasures, a cup of tea, a holiday cookie, little things that add up to make the moments special and life simple, even for a moment or two. Gratefulness'

3. Thankful so many gifts are arriving and we are starting to get them wrapped and tucked away. My hubby is the best gift wrapper. I am just average. When I was a kid, my auntie Ang's sister Kay worked for a big department store, in Southern California. She worked in the gift wrapping dept. Do you remember those days? Gifts were wrapped beautifully and most as no charge to the customer. It is a long lost service. But Kay wrapped her gifts so exquisitely. I can close my eyes and see them. Simply beautiful. Gratefulness.

I wish I had photos of all the beautiful gifts Kay wrapped for my sister and I through the years. They were very similar to this google image gift wrap.

4. Gratefulness takes me back to more memories. What goodness and joy to celebrate with some favorite foods, traditions, people, places and simple joyful things. I am so very Thankful for it all.

5. My mom made the best cheesecake, with lemon jell-o no less! I still have a typed recipe card, courtesy of my cousin Joanne, who did those simple tasks for her mom and mine. I cherish such simple treasures. Very thankful for them and filled with gratefulness.

6. Gratefulness fills my heart when that first CHRISTmas card arrives in the mail. Many years ago my sister Pat's mother-in-law always sent us our first card of the season. She was a widow and always wrote a personal message inside. When she passed away I was very sad. My life long friend Karen is one of those people who sends cards early. I have not heard from her yet and am praying all is well on her end of the world (Idaho). My pal Sharon too. I feel sad sometimes because she sent the very first card to us, and always very lovely and usually from an African American artist. She had a stroke about 6 years ago and other health issues so I do miss her cards. This year I will find and send the absolute perfect card to her. Thankful for all the memories

7. Thankful: The photo on the card from my nephew Charles and his lovely wife Cheryl. I love hanging all the cards up and enjoy keeping them year after year. Call me a packrat, a hoarder, whatever, I am a very sentimental gal and would never discard one letter or card most everyone has sent to me. Do you know the feeling to find a card your mom, who has been gone since November 2001 , sent you many years ago? I do and it is a wonderful feeling. Gratefulness.

8. Gratefulness made me think of Jene. She is the younger sister of my life long friend Carole. Jene was a journalist and 8 years ago she moved her mom in with her and cared for her. These lovely ladies and their two other sisters lost their mom recently. The holidays are going to be tough. But Jene, who is an incredible storyteller told a story about their mom. She said when she was younger and moved to the big bad city, her mom would come to visit and always leave her a note that said, take care of you for me. She worried about Jene living alone. When they started to live together again, Jene said her mom would tell her I love you more. She said it to everyone who told her I love you.  Imagine who blessed Jene felt when she found a note from her mom with her favorite saying.   Jene says a mug she had made was not suppose to arrive for several more days but yet she received it early, in her sweet mom's handwriting are the words, I love you more, Mom. Talk about being thankful. I certainly hope some of the downsizers, Marie Kondo followers, minimalists will stop and think how important a tiny note should be. But I suppose Jene and I could just be sentimental mature fools. Gratefulness.

9. Gratefulness is spending the late evening in solitude and quiet (except for the hubby's light breathing and occasionally snores). Writing my posts and being able to enjoy a bit of calm and peace before a new day, a new week and new adventures begin. IN the words of my dear, sweet dad, God willing, tomorrow...(you fill in the blank. Thankful.

10. Thankful for so many little blessings and knowing I need to spend more time in quiet with my Jesus, to get my focus back on and remind myself this world is just one I am passing through. Gratefulness fills my heart.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

Or just wrapping on that gift and cheesecake sounds delicious I love lemon anyting. This post made me think of my mother who looks like you and kept every card she ever got when she died we found boxes of every Mother's Day birthday Christmas every car to ever got she kept. And she loved to leave notes for people around the house. She had notes in her drawers she had notes in pots and pans anywhere that she thought somebody might find it and she left little love notes to Daddy and us. And when we came to Florida to visit her mother my grandmother she always left little notes all over the house for Daddy and he would talk about them when we got back

Mevely317 said...

My heart! Your #8 brought tears to my eyes when I first read it over coffee ... and now again. I've but one birthday card (remaining) from my mother ... Sometimes I just stare at the script, envisioning her sitting at the kitchen table, pen in hand.

LOL-ing about the gift wrap. I've always hated it -- and it showed.

messymimi said...

Those little things that mean everything. Thank you for the reminder!

pilch92 said...

I try not to be a hoarder, but I never get rid of cards either. And I especially treasure those from my Dad who passed in 2001. XO