Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021

Thankful Thursday Feline Friday Friendly Fill In's

 Thankful Thursday

Although I am late I wanted to post this and feel so grateful and very thankful for each day I live. I hope you are all having a wonderful week and getting ready for the weekend.

Thankful this guy doesn't bark at me! Leo has a limp and Rebekah is going to get him in to see the vet. Probably his age and the fact that he is a big guy but this fellow was upset when Leo stood by my me demanding I do as he wishes! Ha! This one thinks he rules my world. Happy Feline Friday

Friendly Fill In's is hosted by Ellen and Lorianne and each one of them think of these questions we all answer. Please join the fun.

1. I have a ______________on my ______________.

2. I wish I could speak fluent ___________________.

3. I wonder what would happen if____________________.

4. If I want________________, I have to _______________.

My answers:

1. I have a bucket list on my mind.

2. I wish I could speak fluent sLOVEnian/

3. I wonder what would happen if everyone in the world were kinder?

4. If I want to lose a few pounds,, I have to walk more and count my calroies. No fad diet plan will work. But these are my thoughts alone, I know what works for me.

Today I found a photo of a tea party I had with some incredible ladies in Georgetown, Colorado. They are some bloggers and former bloggers and I cherish each one of them.



Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Happy Tuesday


Maxine is always on a roll. Stop by and say hello to Happy Tuesday

I am always very happy when you visit me here!

Monday, November 8, 2021



Good morning everyone, Lorna let me know this morning that Blaze came home. She was out running errands with her sister on Saturday when a neighbor Dan called and said he saw him  two houses over from her home.  She said he was sitting there sunning himself .She and a neighbor had set two traps but they were empty when they checked them. Except Blaze was sitting nearby. He let Lorna take him home! Her birthday is tomorrow and she said this is the best gift she could have.

After a much needed bath, he is skinny and hungry but home sweet home! She said he did not scream or cry but took his bath and she plans to keep a close watch on him. The other cats are keeping their distance as he was pretty stinky! So all in all she thanks everyone for all the prayers and advice and I told her since he would not go into the trap, she should buy him an extra can of sardines and put some fat on that skinny boned boy! This was the best Aw....Mondays that I could think of today! So very happy that he is safe and at home.

I know those of us with pets have this as a necessity too not a luxury! So grateful Lorna and Blaze are having a good Monday. 

 Let's hope Blaze will read a good book and stay cozy and warm inside his happy home. We are expecting a cold front so I know he is grateful to be indoors where it is warm and toasty. 


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Blaze and Roxanne and Thankful Thursday


Thankful Thursday

Thankful today I can pray for my friend and her beauitful feline. This is Blaze. He is a sweet boy that lives with my friend Lorna.  He is her "Gentle Giant".He got out of the house several weeks ago and she is broken hearted. The first time she saw him she thought he was a ghost. But he came close to her twice and ran off. She has put up some humane traps but he has not be caught yet. She said yesterday she caught every cat in her neighborhood but him. Please pray that he will come home. He has been her boy since he was ten weeks old. Lorna is such a lover of cats. Oneday,  she would like to retire and have a Cat Sanctuary. She is so sad and broken over Blaze being gone. I hope you will pray for both of them that Blaze will come home and Lorna will be forever happy again. He is a snuggler so it is hard for her to understand why he decided to go out on an adventure. She says he likes to lay on her lap He also loves to lay in bed with her. Lorna says her other three cats are more demanding. When Blaze needs lap time he takes it, otherwise, he is on the outer edge watching.  Lorna works from home so when Blaze needed lap time he would gentlye tap her leg and look up at her with those beautiful green crossed eyes. She misses his snuggles and knows they had bonded so she feels like he is just calming his mind.  She needs him and loves him with all of her heart. Let's all pray they come together and she will be happy and he will get all the snuggles he needs.

This is a favorite quote about cats. I often stop and think of these very words whenever my big boy needs my full attention. Today he is probably bugging Daphne, searching for extra kibble bites.

Eight years ago this little angel was taken from us. She had suffered terribly from cancer and we did all we could do to keep her happy and make her comfortable. She passed so peacefully in Hannah's arms at home. Avery said he believes  she went to the Rainbow Bridge side of Heaven because she was alive one minute and gone the next and her little person was just an empty shell after her passing. It gave me great comfort to think of her in those terms

This silly boy became Roxanne's best friend. He always laid with her and knew how ill she was. He was a friend to her for all the months she was still with us. He cried so hard after her passing. I think sometime that is when he became more agressive and ornery. He was missing his favorite friend.

Roxanne was very stubborn and refused to go into the cold unless she was wearing her favorite fauz fur trimmed parka. She was a little sweetheart diva and probably could have been friends with Coco Chanel as she had a flair for fashion and a wardrobe to match.  Missing you little girl, you were Hannah's "Tiny Dancer". Always and forever in our hearts. Thankful we were given the opportunity to know you. 

I am going to post about praying for Blaze to come home at my other blog. I will post  as well about Rose and Bandit as Rose has been gone two years and Bandit three years. November is a month filled with loss for my phamily.