Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Thankful and Grateful

 1. Thankful for Eric Church! I have always loved this unique country artist. We tuned in to the CMA Awards 2020 tonight. It was a political fest until the grand finale and Eric Church won the Country Music Artist of the Year. His words rang true inside my mind. Aside from his deserving this long awaited award I was grateful someone had the sense to celebrate music rather then trying to right the wrongs of others. So very grateful. So refreshing from all the months of others trying to box you up and make you think the way they want you to think.

2. Thankful to have a  heart that accepts others.  But I wonder about folks who feel they must bow down to people and right wrongs they have not committed. If you were not taught at a very young age to be kind to all something is truly, sadly wrong. I was raised by a father who said if I find out you were mean to someone you will answer to me now and God later! My mother doled out punishment when she felt it was needed. I have no regrets of how I was raised. If you had a different upbringing I can understand at least the pain you felt. The worse feeling in the world is to be unaccepted or included.  But if you were raised up right you can brush it off and grow up to be an intelligent human being who doesn't have to apologize for everything you say or do. I am most grateful that I was raised by parents who were raised right. I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I treat everyone equally. I just walk away if I don't click with someone. I have many struggles of my own so I do not need to be around others who do not have a good influence. I am smart enough to know that right is right and wrong is wrong. I think that kindergarten and first grade lesson stuck inside my brain. You have the choice to do right or wrong. God gave you free will. I believe it today. But I also learned that God will always love you as long as you stay on the right path. If you fall off He still loves you but you have to keep Him number one in your heart. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. So personally I love the Lord and I strive to keep Him front and center as that is where I want to be one day, in His loving arms. Grateful.

3. Thankful for Charlie Pride. I was lucky to see this outstanding performer at the Colorado State Fair in the 1970's. He looked older tonight on the awards show but his music is something I love because my dad had a beautiful rich voice and he loved to sing along with Charlie when he was doing on the country music award shows long ago.   He was also born at Fitzsimons Army Hospital when he father was stationed in Denver, CO. with the US Army. Grateful for that memory.

4. Thankful that although my day starts out one way I seem to head in a different direction. Today in the middle of preparing a second batter to make Belgian waffles my SIL Roger called. He and Noelle were heading to the Olive Garden with Colton and the kids so wanted me to come along. It is always a nice lunch because it is reasonable and I have always enjoyed my grandson's company as he loves the soup and it is a joy to watch him eat several bowls of it. There was a time I could keep up. These days my limit is two bowls of soup and one of salad. No breadsticks either. HaHa! But good company is good enough for me. Grateful.

5. Thankful for our military. The younger men I know, Dan W and Jason S. who both served. Dan 8 years in the US Navy and Jason US Army and three tours of Afghanistan. Grateful to have them here and grateful for their service.

6. Thankful to my cousin Ray Sr., (US Navy), his sons Ray Jr. (US Navy) and Frank (US AF). These gentleman served too and I am grateful they are still here with us all. I remember being a kid when Ray Sr. was in law enforcement and my aunt Gela, my dad's sister always asked to remember him in our prayers. I never stopped praying for him or any of the phamily.  Grateful.

7. Thankful for my grandmother's cousin Frances and her only son Bruce. He served in WWII in the US Navy as a mariner. He lost his life in the war and although I was not born for many years after that war, I always honor Bruce and thank him for his service. 

8. Thankful for my late FIL Carl who served in WWII and was near Pearl Harbor in a submarine when the war started. Grateful for his kind heart and wise words and his service to our country.

9. Thankful to my late friend Kathy O'Gane and her late dad "Buck" who both served in the US Navy as well as Kathy's sister Marlene (USN) and brother Michael (RIP) (USN) too. Grateful.

10. Grateful to my hubby's phamily, Uncle Bud (USA), and Uncle Duane (USN and USAF). Their younger brother Virgil (USAF) passed away last year but he retired as a Colonel in the Air Force. Duane's daughter Carolynn who served as a nurse in the first Desert Storm. Grateful.

Many more loved ones who served. James Turner, the only son of my mom's cousin Hedwig. He was in the USMC during Vietnam and lost his young life there. She never smiled again after his untimely death.  My uncle Tom Binder, married to my mom's youngest sister, auntie Jo. He was in the Army Air Corp. and a remarkable man. I adored him and all his wonderful stories of growing up in Tabor, SD. Famous to me for him and to the world for another native son, Tom Brokaw, when newscasters were journalists. THis photo is my hubby's  maternal grandfather's either 2 or 3 times great grandfather from the Civil War era. I will write about him later. He also served..

Uncle Edward "Munson" Trontel, my mom's younger sister Elsie's husband who served in the US Army WWII.  My sister Mary's former husband Bob (RIP) (USA) who served in Vietnam along with many boys from her high school graduating class of 1966 who perished in that so called conflict. Jessie Hoskins, also US Army Vietnam (RIP). He passed away in his 30's from the affects of Agent Orange. Jim and Larry W who lost their brother Kenny in Vietnam. My late BIL Gary R who served in Korea in the US Army and later worked at Fort Knox, KY. I believe several of his brothers served also. 

My friend Carole, who just lost her mom Betty. Betty served in the WACS and she told her four daughters it was one of the happiest times of her life because she loved the military life

Friends Sherrie and Richard (US Navy) and their dad's and her grandpa and their son-in-law who all served as well.

Friends Barb and Carl (US Army) who served. Myra and Tom (US Army) and Myra's son Troy (US Army). Thank you all very much. 

I will just say thank you all Vet's whether retired, active or deceased for the selfless dedication to freedom. 

I love my country and I am sad to see it being taken away.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

charlie brown says it all in one sentence. the problem is we were raised to know right from wrong, but now the world sees what we thought was wrong as right. as long as there are humans there will be fighting and arugying and not getting along and each one feels they are right. two or more humans in one place is prime for dissent. i recorded the CMA, we will watch it to night

Mevely317 said...

WHAT DID I MISS? I need to know who said what so I know who to unfollow. LOL! Now I'm kicking myself for insisting we watch the Chicago 'trilogy' premiers last night v. the CMA's. I like Eric Church okay, but LOVE Charlie Pride. That's so neat you got to see him in person.

Sandee said...

Lots of wonderful thankful things. We are so fortunate if we just take the time to look around to all our blessings.

Have a fabulous day, honey. Big hug. ♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful pictures that are family treasures! No one likes everyone, but we should treat all with respect and kindness.

pilch92 said...

Wonderful thankful post. I went to The Olive Garden this week too. My great-niece chose it to celebrate her 5th b'day. I love the gnocci soup. XO

messymimi said...

Still trying to catch up on blogs. Thank you for your list, i am also grateful to all who have served, and all who are currently serving.