Friday, November 27, 2020


 1. Thankful for faith in Jesus. I was discussing the book Killing Jesus with someone and told her about my days working in the medical school, Microbiology/Immunology dept. I worked for a handful of doctors and one of them was India and a Hindu. It was the 1980's and I was telling him about an article published in JAMA about the physical pain Jesus experienced when he was crucified. Back then the docs had cards to use the copier in the library. He told me I could use his card but I had to make him a copy too, I felt so good that he showed such interest.  The article is quite graphic and very sad but I know Jesus lives today.  Thankful.

2. Thankful for the grace God supplies and the courage and faith Jesus had to take on the sins of the world.

3. Thankful for pastors who tell the truth and don't tell people the things they only want to hear. Those pastors seem rare in our world today.

4. Thankful for the fact that currently I am still allowed to profess my faith and read my bible.

5. Thankful for freedom and this says it all. without freedom and the right to free speech, the freedom to attend church or synagogue or mosques,  our beliefs would be criminal.

6. Thankful for friends I can discuss faith with. It makes a world of difference. I have a friend who was raised as a Buddhist. She and I had have had many conversations about our different beliefs. I have learned a lot from her and hoping she has learned something from me too. Thankful

7. Thankful for the holiday season which seems to draw people together rather than pull them apart. I enjoy celebrating all the holidays. Thankful 

8. Thankful for all the holidays foods that we don't get all year long It is fun to splurge but it is good to watch our diet to a point. 

9. Thankful for all the visitors who stop by here. I never started blogging to brag on myself or the things I have. I have a genuine love of blogging. I always will and for that I am very thankful.

10. Thankful for loving life and enjoying friends and phamily and making mistakes that can be forgiven.  That is also what holidays are about. Kindness, forgiveness and love. Thankful


Mevely317 said...

As usual, you've given me much to ponder.
How wonderful to know someone with a different belief system, who's still willing to listen. I suspect most people are wondering how to respond (or react) instead of listening and respecting another's point of view.

messymimi said...

Oh, yes, our best blessing is our dear Savior, first and always.