Monday, November 23, 2020

Grateful and Thankful in November

 1. Grateful having a sleep over with Harrison.  He spent the night with  his grammie Noelle and Papa Roger yesterday. Now he decided to stay with us. We had our dinner, potato cheese soup. He had an apple for dessert but he snacked on my Pepperidge farm Peppermint Cookies with dark chocolate. Thankful.

2. Thankful for imagination. This kid has one and we always have fun. We already went into the cold garage to look for the socks I bought him. We found them but it was fun running around with him. Grateful.

3. Grateful for phamily. Something always comes up where we need to help each other and it always is an enjoyable time. Even when my SIL Roger & I were stuck in the credit union drive thru for 30minutes. We can joke about it now, at the time it was a real pain in the neck. Thankful.

4. Thankful that some snow will make an appearance tomorrow. But we need the moisture and it is really beautiful. Grateful. 

5. Grateful to pray for all those like Avery my hubby and Colton my grandson that must venture out to their jobs every day. Thankful. for the fact that they are still working.

6. Thankful for everyday happenings like laundry and loading and unloading the dishwasher. I love the mundane. It gives me time to think about more important things. Grateful. 

7. Grateful for all the moments we spend together and laugh and enjoy the company of each other. It makes me happy. Thankful.

8. Grateful to make cookies with this little dude, so tomorrow I plan to make some fun shapes with my buddy. Noelle makes the best cream cheese frosting from scratch. So I am going to use her recipe. We have colorful sugar and sprinkles too.  Thankful.

(This was the cookie Harrison made me with his Grammie Noelle today. Let me tell you, it tasted heavenly and it was perfection) Thankfully grateful. 

9. Thankful I found a Llama cookie cutter at Target. So maybe we will have a few colorful Llamas to snack on. Grateful.

10. Grateful for a grandson who ran to the store to get an outfit for this child for tomorrow. He is a good dad to his kids. Pray for him. He is looking for new work. He works at a place that gives him plenty of hours but zero benefits. You can not raise a phamily that way. Thankful for prayer. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

You DO have so much to be thankful for! I hope you show us the Llama cookies after you make them!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Put sprinkles on the cookies remind me of Mama making cookies with colored sprinkles on them. I've been on cook have never made homemade cookies but I sure do like to eat them and I would like to see the Llama cookies to. You have much to be thankful for and we're thankful you're sharing it with us

Mevely317 said...

What a great example you're setting for the littles. Memories are woven from good times like this. HUGS!

pilch92 said...

Glad you got to spend quality time with your grandson. XO

messymimi said...

It's a joy to read your lists.