Saturday, November 21, 2020

Grateful and Thankful

 1. Grateful for my Capital One Card CS people. We had a wild mix up on our account and the people who helped us resolve it were A M A Z I N G . I am so thankful for decent, hard working people with kind hearts. Thankful.

2. Thankful to watch two small boys today and enjoy their company. Rebekah painted with Brody. He is a lil Picasso into abstract art. Grateful.

3. Grateful for Blake. The "WildMan" or "The Flash" as I like to call him, is getting to be such a big boy. He touched my tree once and when I said gently, no no, don;t touch, he looked at me, he smiled and he walked away. He did dump the dog water and danced in it before we could catch him. Washed and dried clean socks were not no big deal. Thankful.

4. Thankful for Domino's Pizza and their cute commercial with the little girl who looks over at the race care driver picking up his on line order and says, "Hey I like your pajamas". He looks shocked and says "Pajamas"! Not enough cuteness on T.V. or otherwise these days. Grateful.

5. Grateful for staying up too late and sleeping in today. It is such a blessing to get those days with the hubby when we can rest and relax and recuperate from the week. It does not always happen this way. Thankful.

6. Thankful for the cool Vitamin C we bought for Nick and tested. They look like teeny orange slices and filled with powerful  goodness keeping us healthy so far. Grateful.

7. Grateful for the church being able to help fifty phamilies today with free turkey's because of all the kind hearts who donate to their food program.  They even offered us one but we usually buy an extra at the great sale prices so we can have a turkey treat at CHRISTmas too. There are so many who can not afford an extra turkey and often can not feed their phamilies nutritional meals. Thankful for all we can do for others.

8. Thankful that we brought in several more CHRISTmas boxes to sort through for our holiday goodies. It gives me such happiness decorating. So many ornaments have so many memories and it is a most enjoyable time of the year. Grateful

9. Grateful for enjoying a wonderful Saturday with some of my loved ones and watching the little ones make many new memories. Blake even dipped his hand in the paints to make a THANKSgiving turkey. Brody is not a fan of getting his hands really dirty so his mom is going to see if she can coax him into doing it. Those washable paints are a real blessing. Thankful.

10. Thankful for trying some new things. Hannah made a cheesecake for their anniversary last month from scratch. So I am going to give it a try. I already have a springform pan. Grateful.

Tomorrow, God willing, I will share my fruitcake story with you. Sweet Dreams and rest well. Enjoy SONday.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

My husband are two of the rare people who love fruit cake! And my sister-in-law happens to be able to make the most delicious one on the planet. Every year for Christmas one arrives in the mail between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In January of 2017 I gave up sugar and the hardest thing I ever did was tell her to please not mail one of her protects because I can't say no to it. Bob would love to have it but if it comes in the house I would eat it and boy do we miss those fruitcakes and yours is absolutely gorgeous

Mevely317 said...

Now reading Sandra's comment has me SO curious to hear your story. I've not tasted one since I was a kid ... but remember soon after putting a bite in my mouth, I wanted to spit it back out. LOL!

Caring CS associates are the best! I can't enough good things about those at Verizon. Gosh knows, they probably get verbally dumped on regularly, and still keep nice and cool.
I've not seen that Domino's commercial, but I'm going to get off here and Google it.

messymimi said...

So glad you got your card mess straight, it can be so difficult. As for the fruitcake, i like them okay, but have never found one that wowed me.

pilch92 said...

Great list of thankfuls. Little ones are always messing with water, aren't they? My great nieces love to play with their pet's water. XO