Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The House By The Side of The Road

 " He was a friend to man, and lived in a house by the side of the road." Homer

There are hermit souls who withdrawn

in the place of their self-content;

There are souls that are stars , that dwell apart

In a fellowless firmament;

There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths

Where highways never ran -

But let me live by the side of the road

And be a friend to man -

Let me live in a house by the side of the road

Where the race of men go by -

The men who are good and the men who are bad

As good and as bad as I.

I would not sit in the scorner's seat, 

Or hurl the cynics ban -

Let me live in the house  by the side of the road

And be a friend to man. -

I see from my house by the side of the road,

 By the side of the highway of life,

The men who press with the ardor of hope,

The men who are faint with the strife.

But I turn not away from their smiles nor their tears,

Both part of an infinite plan -

Let me live in the house by the side of the road

And be a friend to man. -

I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead

And mountains of wearisome height.

That the road passes on through the long afternoon

And stretches away to the night.

But still I rejoice where the travelers rejoice.

And weep with the strangers that moan.

Now live in my house by the side of the road

Like a man who dwells alone.. -

Let me live in the house by the side of the road -

It's here the race of men go by.

They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong,

Wise, foolish, so am I;

Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat,

Or hurl the cynic's ban?

Let me live in my house by the side of the road

And be a friend to man.

By Sam Walter Foss

I have this poem framed on this lavender paper with this flower in the right hand corner. 

I have decided at this blog I will continue my thankfulness posts. Sometime it is hard to be grateful considering the ways of our wicked world. But since I enjoy thinking of all my thankful things in my life, I am going to keep posting and hopefully you will be inspired to make your own list, whether inside your head or writing on paper or simply being thankful each day.

1. I am thankful for smelling fresh air instead of the thick heavy, smoky air we had most of our summer. I could write a thankful list with simply smells I love, but I will do it another time.

2. I am thankful for "some" technology. I love watching movies and since television is full of baloney these days and so many fake shows on the air.  I prefer watching a movie from our collection. I loved the TV series Signed, Sealed, Delivered, about four people who work in the dead letter office. It was set in Denver, before our state capital was defaced, disrespected and destroyed in so many ways. I have the original TV movie which started the series and all the episodes that were shown on TV on the Hallmark channel. These are feel good movies and I love them. Thankful for them.

3. I am thankful for the beautiful shades of color on the color wheel. You know, you are suppose to go with your colors from your own color wheel but I don't buy into that. I have blue eyes so I love the color blue. I particularly love it in the shade of teal. This is another thankfulness I am very grateful for.

4. I am thankful for food and nourishment. Somedays I do not make the best choices, like leftover Halloween candy! But I have several favorites,  Mexican food, steak, seafood and a good dessert like cheesecake or Tiramisu.

5. I am thankful for sounds all around me. I love to hear a baby's cry, a bird's song and a toddler asking 100 questions, rapidly firing them off, like a round of Jeopardy. I Love music so I would need a post or two to go over my extensive list of music I love and listen to. Grateful.

6. I am thankful for the good earth God created. I love trees, in the forest, in the mountains but not my backyard. I would be grateful if they were shade trees but we have these massive (4) pine trees. Not the sweet smelling kind. But the kind that drop sharp needles all over the ground and scrawny pinecones that are worthless. Even the wildlife, like squirrels and and birds ignore it all. But I am still grateful and thankful all rolled into one for trees. They give shelter to the birds and sometime you will see a squirrel or a even an outdoor cat scurrying up the trees.

7. I am thankful for a sound mind currently and good memories. Lots of them. Especially those with my mom and grandmother in them. I suppose this month makes me think of them even more often then I do on a regular day.  I am grateful and very thankful.

8. I am thankful for books. I love reading, I have a large library. My books overflow into my garage. I am thankful for the bookshelves that hold them. It is hard to put my finger one one book I Love. But I have read and worn out at least five copies of To Kill A Mockingbird and The Good Earth. Both books have many good memories for me too of people I Love who loved these books as well. Grateful.

9. I am thankful for travel and seeing new places.  One of the favorite places I Like to travel is through my home state. It has changed too much but I will always love the beauty of it. Too many transplant and people with ideals that have harmed my beautiful state. Government that refuses to take a stand against evil. But if I can sneak away on a trip with my sweet hubby I will to go where it is totally peaceful and quiet. You can not find that in large cities. Only little towns tucked away from the ways of this world. Grateful. 

10. I am thankful for the sense of taste. I just finished my lunch and had leftover tostadas from last night's dinner. Refried beans, lean hamburger meat with cheese, lettuce and mild salsa. I love avocadoes so when I Have them here I like to slice them and add them to my tacos or tostadas. Grateful.

The first postcard in the Postcard Exchange/ Giveaway arrived today. It came from sunny Florida and the sender was Martha. Thank you Martha, you certainly brightened my day. If you want to join just e mail me your info and whether you want to send me a postcard and receive one back or just send the postcard to me. Either way, you will be in my giveaway and it is going to be a good one. 

Thinking of Annie today and everyday and wanting to share this since she has been on a blog break. 

An FYI, if you are/were a Veteran or have a loved one or a friend or phamily please send me their mailing address as I am putting my list together for our encouragement Group. We are happy to send cards to thank our Veteran's. I am here Please send those names and addresses ASAP.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your mountains at dusk picture is so beautiful! I taught a lesson at church once about how being thankful creates joy. This year I realized there were many more evil people in the world than I had thought. So we must really think on the good things, like Paul said.

Mevely317 said...

I love that poem! In fact, it reminds me of Ma's (On the Brighter Side) saying, "Life is sweeter in the slow lane."
Your thankful lists reminds me of all I'm taking for granted. (Yes, even in amid all the Covid compromises.) The last 24 hours I find myself anxious and embittered. How much better to focus on my blessings!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enjoyed all those movies too but I had a hard time finding when I could watch him because my husband won't watch that kind of movie and he has it the charge of the remote 99% of the time. I am one of the few people in the world that does not own a single movie on a DVD and never have. Several of the things you suggested you're thankful for I am too like I love trees and I'm thankful that we had the trees I'm thankful that were able to get out and walk and beautiful sunshine and I'm thankful that we're having a cool spell now instead of 97° everyday.

messymimi said...

Beautiful poem, and i am glad you will continue your thankful posts. They remind me to count my blessings.