Friday, January 1, 2021



This girl and her brother came to visit for New Year's Day Eve. She is a very serious girl when toys are concerned. This Baby Einstein Octopus lights up and plays music notes. she was quite taken with it. Her brother showed us how to play the game Banana Bash. W had fun.

We are very hopeful that Tarrah and Baby Ella are going to make 2021 shine. Tarrah is doing better and just wants to be with her baby girl. Ella is makes so much progress. She came off the ventilator. Her daddy says she has the girliest cry ever! She is a precious gift of  H O P  E . So we are seeing H O P E on the horizon for both Ella and her mommma Tarrah. 

This baby girl is going to do such wonderful things. She will have the full protection of four older brothers and two parents that love her so dearly. She seems so content now that she knows her momma and daddy are both close. It was hard when Tarrah was at the other hospital and Andrew could not be with her. Now he will have them both together and we are hopeful they will all be together to helpbaby Ella get healthy and get her home with all those big brothers.
Thank you for being here with us and thank you all for your thoughtfulness. Keeping praying because it is working. Have a blessed and Happy New Year 2021.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy to hear Ella and Mom are doing better and better each day. thank you Lord on the ventilator removed.

Mevely317 said...

This is the best news I've heard all year! Thank you, God!
... and thank you, Anne for sharing these images of your adorable littles.

messymimi said...

Sweet little thing, you are all in my prayers for a wonderful outcome.