Saturday, January 9, 2021



 Peace and Calm are becoming extinct. Chaos and Hatred is filling the streets of our country. In the words of my late mother PRAY HARD!

1. Find one thing to be thankful for. 

2. Be grateful for something you have that keeps your sanity in check.

3. Be blessed that you have even one person who cares about you enough to make you not feel sad or alone.

I think of and pray for the homeless everyday. I can not even begin to imagine what it is like to feel so alone. But these times are changing and unfortunately not for the good of our country. We see the grocery stores hiking their prices, small businesses will be gone and only corporate owned businesses will survive. It is reminiscent of what our parents told us during the Great Depression. We listened, the younger people today have no desire to hear the sad stories of yesterday. I took to heart each story I heard from my loved ones. I am so grateful I had them and feel so blessed that I am aware of what is happening before my very eyes. My dad always told me I would live to see this and he was grateful he was old and would be no longer here. I know how my parents believed and I feel secure knowing they have reached their eternal home. I just hope I can stay on that same path so I am able one day to see them again. 

Keep Tarrah, Ella and Nick in your prayers. Praying Mom and Baby are going to get well and Ella is going to gain her weight needed to go home hopefully by Springtime. Nick should be able to head back to work next week and life will be what it is to be.

My father always said, God willing, we can do this or that tomorrow. He was and will always be the smartest man I ever knew.

In the words of my sweet 90 year old friend Bea, get your beauty sleep so you wake up refreshed. Enjoy the SONday. We are caught in a snowy, cold night so we are grateful for our warm bed. We are thankful for the roof over our heads and blessed to have heat for now. 


Louca por porcelana said...

Have a blessed day. Sending prayers to your family.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for your family, and to be able to come home even sooner than spring for the baby.... i often think of how horrible it would be for the homeless during this pandemic, it is hard for us and we have shelter and food and can contain ourselves to our home, they can't and now they are dealing with cold temps plus pandemic

Mevely317 said...

Off the top of my head?
1. Mine and my loved ones' health.
2. Wine! :)
3. Yes; so blessed!

Prayers continuing. Will you say a prayer for me, that my own heart may be softened. This political turmoil has had my mind in knots.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hoping your family continue to do very well!

pilch92 said...

Beautiful post. I continue to pray for your family. XO

messymimi said...

Praying always.