Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Words to Ponder

 "The few own the many because they possess the means of livlihood of all...The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor. The majority of mankind are working people. So long as their fair demands ---the ownership and control of their livlihoods---are set at naught, we can have neither men's rights nor women's rights. The majority of mankind is ground down by industrial oppression in order that the small remnant may live in ease. " Helen Keller, 1911

Helen Keller was a remarkable person. She overcame so many disabilities to be one of the finest people in the 20th century. She is one of those people who has always been on my list of strong willed women and "Heroes".

I am thinking Helen Keller must have been thankful for Anne Sullivan . Because of her perserverance, Helen Learned to communicate through reading and writing. I am sure she was grateful for all the talent she was given by the grace of God and hard work and I imagine she was blessed to know how loved she was to millions throughout her life time.

Sleep well, sweet dreams and praying for another tomorrow so I may see you here. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Indeed, she was almost a miracle.

Mevely317 said...

I couldn't begin to find a suitable adjective to describe Helen Keller ... nor my admiration. Like Anne Frank, her will should be a inspiration to us all.

Buttercup said...

Great post. So much to think about remembering this extraordinary woman. Take care, my friend.

messymimi said...

She understood so much more than many people who supposedly have their eyes and ears working and open all their lives.