Monday, January 4, 2021

Kindness and An Update

 Be kind, it makes you happier, it helps others be happier too. It is my goal and today was a rather difficult kindness day. I do not want to promote something and turn my back on it so this is a reminder to me. Use kindness, do not let the world get a hold of your kindness and slam it to the ground.

Be Thankful, always be grateful for the things you have and feel blessed for all those you care about. I think we forget sometime those closest to us. 

Does anyone out there hear anything about Jenny Matlock? I use to correspond with her and she stopped and I know she was in chronic pain just hopeful someone may know something. Thank you.

Nick should be released back to his home office soon and Tarrah and Ella are getting stronger each day. Keep those prayers coming and thank you.

Goodnight, Enjoy Sweet Dreams and Rest well. I will return with a better attitude, hopefully a neck that does not cause pain and a better attitude to spread love, joy and kindness abundantly. Thanks for hanging in here with me. 


pilch92 said...

Sorry, I don't know who she is, but I hope she is OK. XO

messymimi said...

Prayers all around.