Saturday, January 16, 2021

Kindness and Caring


When Nick all through middle school, high school and college, I saved hundreds of running quotes and stories. This is one of my favorites.

Here is a favorite Sous Chef. This kid cracks me up. He has an amazing personality and he is so smart. His sister made homemade ravioli from scratch last weekend and he assisted her. He loves to be involved in with projects whether it is his dad, his mom or siblings. He is an avid reader and trust me, he knows all his favorite books so well if his parents saying something different while reading to him he will politely correct them. We spent some time with the boys today. Addy came home later and this kid was so glad to see his sister. The little one, Blake is going to be 17 months old and he is super smart too. He knows his colors and he is learning so many new words. He is still a daddy's boy and Grandpa's boy but he is a joy to be around. He loves to eat and makes eating pure happiness. I feel so blessed to have them all in my life. We had so much fun with them today we forgot to take any photos. But we will see them Monday again so I will remember to take photos. Memo to myself!

I Love this find, this meme. Tarrah and Andrew have been through so much. Yet their personalities shine through. Tarrah came home last night and was thrilled to snuggle with her boys. Ella is nearly 3 lbs. and she is getting stronger and healthier each day. Pray works.I love when I can update great news.

A long weekend is here and everyone is home Monday except Nick who return to his home office work. He is grateful.   We will look forward to seeing the grands again. While the world seems filled with so much meanness I am finding as much goodness as I can. Hoping you will too. Have a blessed and beautiful weekend no matter what you have planned.

Jesus never took credit for being good, He said only God alone is good. I read and re read this Scripture. I find the same answer each time. I hope your filled with much happiness and kindness this weekend.

Humor to keep smiling. Especially if you are not good at reading maps like me or even paying attention to GPS.

Get your beauty sleep. Bea always reminds me of that, I need to catch up with her more. She lights my life with her vintage sayings and her sassy attitude and honesty. I sure love my long time friend. Rest well and have seet dreams. Goodnight all. Until tomorrow, God willing, we will see you then. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

He is just adorable! I love the quote about directions, that would be me for sure.

Mevely317 said...

Your sous chef is the cutest thing ever!

pilch92 said...

He is such a cutie. Please remember to take more photos. I enjoy seeing the little ones having fun. XO

messymimi said...

Love the good news and the funnies, and i have all of you down on my prayer list.