Monday, December 7, 2020


 Due to a few technical difficulties with my mouse and laptop I am going to make this Thankfulness post short & sweet.

I am extremely grateful, blessed and thankful for every single thing that is good in my life including phamily, friends, bloggers who are friends and all the simple things in life, good food, a warm bed, laughter, babies, toddlers, grandkids and everything good in the world.

Tomorrow I can resolve this mouse issue and come back to blog. 



MadSnapper n Beau said...

And tomorrow is supposed you can say you are thankful your mouse is working! Haha I keep an extra Mouse when I buy a new one I never throw the old one away I even have a Wired Mouse that I can use in case things happen. Can't be without that Mouse

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you can get your tech problems worked out!

Mevely317 said...

Tech issues -- even the 'quick fix' variety -- are the bane of my existence!
Going to the Post Office tomorrow and hopefully get some answers. Fingers crossed!

messymimi said...

Sometimes all it takes is the few, well chosen words. You chose well, thank you.