Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Blessed, Grateful, Thankful

 1. Blessed that the hubby and I read the First Chapter in the Book of Luke together. We started this last year, thanks to Carol Vest from Virginia. 24 Chapter's in the Book of Luke. Read one chapter each day from December 1 to December 24. You will be at the Christmas Story. Grateful and Thankful.

2. Grateful to be in a warm house with warm clothing and blankets too. We are in the deep freeze but according to most everyone I know everywhere, we all seem to have hit the cold button. Blessed for all my amenities and thankful to be safe.

I just stepped out, with my jacket, on the front porch to turn off the CHRISTmas lights. It is freezing! So blessed to be in my warm home.

3. Thankful for kids that run errands (Rebekah and Nick) and grab a quick dinner. The hubby has a cough due to this frigid weather. It is always after one of these days that his cough comes roaring back. It is hard when people at work ask if he's sick? Really? Do you think I would be here? Of course not. Say a prayer for Avery. I need to keep him well. We add a few vitamins in the colder weather so they have been helping. Grateful and very blessed.

4. Blessed that I have grace to cover me and an Guardian angel to protect me. I am thankful I was raised on the truth and grateful that I have wandered but came back to where I belong, in the Hands of God. Very blessed.

5. Grateful to have gifts being checked off our list. We have never been extravagant and never will be. I was raised by a father who said if you want something, work for it. It took me a lot of years but I have learned what is truly important and what is just frivolous and will fade away. Blessed and Thankful.

6. Thankful to be surrounded by goodness and love all the time. We all have our moments. But we have love. Grateful. Blessed.

7. Blessed to be able to relax after a busy day. It seems there is always something we need to do. But I Have learned to take it one day at a time and not overload my plate. I use to juggle so many things and now I kick back and relax. I need my private time, I need my time with my honey and we all need rest. 

8. Grateful to see Rebekah and Zach celebrating three years of marriage tomorrow. The time seems to go by so quickly. They are going on a little getaway. Wishing we could go away too. Soon, once the winter time is over and it is funny, because it has not officially started. Thankful.

9. Blessed for the time we have each day and grateful for each extra day we have. Thankful to be here right here and now. We never know when it will all end. So be kind, be faithful and smile.

10. Thankful for kindness. Each time I witness a kindness I know hope still exists. I don't ever want that to stop. There is nothing worse than hopelessness. I pray everyone continues spreading kindness. It will keep the light burning and help someone, one person at a time.  Be blessed, be grateful and always feel thankful.


Ginny Hartzler said...

We both have so much to be thankful for. It is so cold here, as well. What a good idea about the bible reading schedule!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just said to Bob this morning when we stepped inside our warm house with our three month old AC / heat pump warming the house how thankful I am to have shelter with heat inside because yes we do have cold here to it may only be 42 but with the wind howling it feels like 32 and really really cold and day before yesterday we were in the 80s. I always think of the homeless when it's really really hot or really really cold. Shelter is very important.

Mevely317 said...

I gave a little prayer of thanksgiving last night for our warm home ... never realizing the temps would plunge to 25*. Unfortunately, no snow. But pouting doesn't do any good.

You bet, I'm saying a prayer for Avery! Most of my life it seems I'd develop a cough each winter that invariably would turn into bronchitis.

messymimi said...

Hooray for the three years! May they have many more.