Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 December 30, 2020:

 Today I had messages and comments telling me people were praying. About the same time, Noelle told me Tarrah was able to see baby Ella today. They are both are the same facility and I believe they will both be on their way to good health. I hope we get a miracle for 2021 . There isn't much I ask for. Good health and some happiness. Thank you for visiting and praying and always being so kind. I think my word for 2021 will be Hope. I like to choose a word each end of the year. Hope sounds perfect to me for 2021. I believe we will have obstacles to overcome, I believe we may experience discomfort and unpleasant conditions but I believe God will prevail and He will watch over believers. I am going to continue to keep my eyes upward. I am watching the sky.

I am so grateful for good news with Tarrah and Ella.  I know God has hand on both of them.

I am so blessed for the prayer warriors I know. I am grateful for the friendships of those who go out of their way to be kind and helpful. 

I am so thankful for an end of 2020 with some good news and happy moments. I am praying for moreof those in 2021.

May 2021 bring you blessings along with good health and many beautiful new memories.


Martha said...

I chose Hope for my word this year too. Sending prayers for you and your family. All the best to all of you in the new year!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thankful today to hear good news about the baby and mom. Prayers for more andmore good health for them. Happy Hope Filled New Year for you and yours

Mevely317 said...

How encouraging! I love your word, "Hope." Think I'm the only soul who's not done so, but I'm just not feeling anything ... and I sure don't want to force the issue.

messymimi said...

Praying for much healing and hope in 2021.