Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 December 23, 2020:

Thankfulness for all we have even though we can not be with all those we love this CHRISTmas season. I am hopeful there will be virtual visits and videos to see. 

Nick is getting stronger each day. His doctors are checking in with him. It is a different kind of  season this year. I am going to turn my heart to God as He has never let me down. I am drifting farther away from things of this world. 

I am planning some projects after the holidays. In the meantime I Have been praying. A dear friend, in the Colorado mountains has been ill with this virus. She is the healthiest person and  her entire family along with her were knocked off their feet. Debbie is  still working to get her strength back. She is grateful to have had friends leave meals at their door and prayers for both her and her husband and their children who all seemed to share in the illness too. It is odd how it strikes. They are in separate households but they are all amazing Christians. I believe Satan is enjoying his free roaming of this earth and attacking believers unmercifully. But I know God is more powerful and Satan's reign will come to an end and he will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. Thinking about that. Grateful to know God and grateful to walk with Jesus. 

Blessed because we are inside where it is warm. It is brutally cold outside. My heart aches for the homeless. I pray for them and I hope they are all tucked in for the night tonight.

My girl Lulu when she came home to live with us forever. This was April 28, 2018. She had come in from a long ride from her birth home in St. Francis, Kansas. I am so glad she is here with us today.

Two more sleeps before CHRISTmas.

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