Sunday, February 28, 2021

Things of Thankfulness


Sassy Pants always has something to be thankful for. A new month. I honestly feel like the months race away from us. Of course, February is a shorter month . I felt that it slipped by quickly. If only the snow would do the same. Thankful.

Always thankful for humor. It makes a person happy.

I am thankful for new beginnings. Although some of the Springtime months are tough ones for me, I find blessings tucked into each one of them.

Thankful better weather will come and hopefully stay so walking and enjoying the outdoors will be on the top of my list.

Thankful for a nice meal today. The hubby makes a good enchildas casserole. Today he added chicken, somedays we just add extra cheese.

Thankful the weather is suppose to stay into the 50's this week and into the next weekend. 

Thankful Jeremy and Brittany will be able to move in mild weather. I will still pray though.

Thankful for the days I get with my hubby. He works so hard so when he is here with me, I enjoy those days tremendously.

Thankful fo rall the little gifts that come to me each day. I find being grateful and thankful helps me through the days when I am grumpy and not very giving.

Thankful that I can pray. It is the best weapon against sadness and hate. I have said this a million times before, my mom always said life was hard and I needed to pray harder.

Enjoy the new month. With it comes windy days and buckets of snow . It is a nice night to be some rest and pray for a new day with many new blessings. Sweet Dreams. 

1 comment:

messymimi said...

Excellent list.
