Saturday, February 20, 2021

My BoJon Heritage

 Today we had the pleasure of spending several hours with our two little grandboys. Oh they are such a joy. Brody is at an age where he jumps in to help, in fact he washed the lunch dishes with Blake jumping on a chair to help him.

That hair! Master Blake is a character! Brody's shirt was soaked from washing those lunch dishes so I tossed it in the dryer and he was enjoying some laughs with his grandpa and brother. They are mesmerized by the Baby Channel and Goo Goo and Gaa Gaa.
GooGoo Color Crew and GaaGaa. The boys are learning their colors with the help of Color Drew. They have the plush crayons in a carrying case and know all those colors. Blake is going to be as witty as Brody.

This child was so helpful that he sat down for a moment and just drifted off to dreamland. Look at that foot sticking out of the covers. He is a joyful boy. Blake is too except he is super busy.
We are beat! Needing our rest tonight. We love those little ones but they sure can wear us out. Although we would never change anything, we are grateful for a good night's rest. My eyes were closing here. HaHaHa...

Stella celebrated a brthday on Valentine's Day! When Jeremy rescued her years ago we did not know her birthday and the vet told us she was probably 9 months old so that would make February her birthday, and I always celebrated her on Sweetheart's Day! If there is a sweetheart, it is Stella. She had been sad after losing Bandit (2018) and Smokey (2019).But Luna and Duke came to live with her. She is well treated at Jeremy's home and she will be moving to thei new place in a few weeks too. So happy birthday to this beutiful girl.''

Love at it's finest. Nine months before Smokey's passing from a horrible cancer. These two were inseperable. Stella is better now that Luna and Duke are with her. She was just Smokey's girl. So we always thought they would stay together while they grew old. She is a sweet girl. I will always love her and wish her a beautiful 2021. Happy Birthday Stella!


pilch92 said...

Your grandsons are adorable. How cute that Brody likes to help. Happy Birthday Stella. XO

messymimi said...

So much joy!