Saturday, October 10, 2020

TBT and Pink Saturday

 I simply forgot to click post yesterday. Do you have those days? The day went on forever. We played a new game called Unstable Unicorns. My hubby won the game having never played it before. Hmmmm... suspicious?! Perhaps the SIL Zach was feeding him inside info. HaHaHa

It is available wherever games are sold but has quick delivery. We live close to a distribution center. Nick worked there at one time and they employee so many people. 

This is my nephew Brian's youngest child Alex.  The black and white photo are my dad's phamily  about 1916  .  I think the resemblance is striking. My dad had two brothers that passed away in Joseph 1906-1909 and (Frank) 1915-1918.  Frank passed away from the Influenza  outbreak. When people get sassy about this virus going on now it offends me. My grandparents lived through it. The highest mortality rate were children under the age of five.  Today the right combination of drugs are helping more survive. If a 97 year old could survive it with the drugs being prescribed before this was turned into a huge political fiasco to earn votes regardless of the loss of life, we are truly living in very dark and extremely sad times. I am sorry but these are my loved ones. Frank shared his July 3 birthday with our youngest daughter Hannah and it means a great deal to me personally so I do not need hateful comments about being angry or anything else.  I Have since removed such comments and it is why I continue to blog. The ability to delete hate is easy here. Social media, I do not even want to go there. I wanted to share this for TBT but this photo of  part of my dad's phamily bugged me. Today I was able to record all the 9 siblings birthdates and sort all this mystery out.  I apologize for those of you who are kind and caring and simply visit because we share interests and hopefully kind hearts as well.  On a very happy note, I believe this photo was taken about 1915 or 1916 as Frank was the baby. I Know my father is wearing the short pants with the belt on his shirt because he was very close to his older sister Mary (Mima). I was raised in the Catholic church and according to the First Communion rule back in my day and also my parents day, a child in the second grade was usually given the opportunity to make their First Communion. Auntie Mima was dressed in a beautiful first Communion dress. I had seen one other photo of Frank and also their brother Joseph who was the first born child and he lived 1906-1909. I am positive the baby on my grandpa's lap is Frank.  How they survived losing two young children will always baffle me. I can not even imagine that tremendous of a loss but so many lived through those difficult times and you might have them in your phamily tree too.  I know Martha at Seaside Simplicity is having a hard week so say some prayers . She did not post TBT but I did, although late. 

I am hoping to find my mother's phamily tree. She had a sister named Frances and I believe she may have passed away at birth or soon after. I do not have a year of birth for her. All I have to go on is she is buried in what is called the old cemetery so I am unsure if there are records.  This is hard work finding out info after your loved ones are gone. If you still have parents or elderly relatives sit down and get all the info you can. You will be glad you did.  

Pink skies from 2016 for Pink Saturday


Hannah had a tiny helper making graveyard pudding. The kids arrived safely and are enjoying their trip. Going to national parks where there are not huge crowds has been a real blessing for them. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Definite resemblance! And I love the tiny helper

Mevely317 said...

Maybe on account my parents were about the same age (1912, 1915), I love when you spotlight your phamily. I, too, am enormously saddened by the vicious behavior out on FB. Because I'm not ready to cut ties, I try to scroll past the trolls ... and if that doesn't work I hit the 'unfollow' button.

Glad to hear Colton and family are having a great time there in NY!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry you have been having such argumentative comments!! BUT very glad that you are still blogging!! I had wondered about that dress Aunt Mima was wearing! It kind of makes her look like a little adult. The virus is not choosy and does not care what your politics are, we need to listen to the scientists. I am looking this Unicorn game up on Amazon!!

Martha said...

Little Alex really does look like your dad's phamily! I agree with you about the way things are on blogs and social media these days. Like we need that on top of everything we are already going through this year. I'm glad you are just hitting delete and keep on blogging. Sorry I wasn't able to post Throwback Thursday last week but sure appreciate that you were planning to link up. Thanks for the mention and prayer request for us too. Things are looking a bit better now. Have a great week :)

messymimi said...

Such a beautiful phamily, and it is very hard to lose a child. Stand your ground against the haters.

jack69 said...

I enjoyed the visit. I loved the family photo, my dad was a teenager at that time.I always love old family photos. Our family had very few and it is hard to find, stories and facts after everyone is gone.
You are so right with the admonition "If you have elderly parents still around, start asking questions!"
We all thought they would be around forever and we would have plenty of time to learn. OUCH
Love sent from Florida,
Sherry & jack