Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 7 " Ten Days of Gratefulness Post


1, Grateful that Baseball has been part of my whole life. I pray next season, if they have one, they will get back on track and stick to what they are good at: BASEBALL!


Grateful for Colton stopping by with baby girl. This photo of him and Harrison was before their move back to their old house. 


Grateful this tiny girl stopped by. She took her photo with these super comfy pillows my SIL Lucy gave us at CHRISTmas. I love her stocking cap. It is still cold out there. forty Eight will be our high temp today. 

4. Grateful all the little ones are healthy and the adults too. With exception for sniffles and allergies and coughs from the fire. Our doctor says she diagnoses more people with coughing from these brutal fires. I am praying they will go away with the cold weather. 

5. Grateful for Stephanie who sent the sweetest message. They were close to one of the fires and ready to evacuate. Grateful they were not forced to leave their home. Sadness and many prayers for those who were not as fortunate.

6. Grateful for warm socks. I have such cold feet in the wintertime. I always have soft fuzzy socks to wear around the house. They are a sweet little blessing.

7. Grateful to be getting some new snow boots. There was a time I loved all the little bows and sweet styles. Now I like good old fashioned comfort. It is all about staying warm in the cold months and keeping the feet warm and dry.

8. Grateful for knit caps and gloves and soft scarves. Last year my friend Anna gave me the prettiest cashmere soft scarf. I keep it safely tucked away from the wintertime with a bar of fresh cedar.

9. Grateful for all the extra cooking we did last weekend. Eating all the yummy leftovers makes me happy.

10. Grateful to pray for all folks less fortunate who have no where to go in the cold weather. It hurts my heart to think anyone would be left out in the cold. There needs to budgeting to make sure people can be warm who are homeless. I am sorry, I think there is so much frivolous spending.  Many older building downtown could be utilized for housing and training people who have no where to go. 

This is the Vail Hotel in my hometown of Pueblo, CO. It was built in 1910 and named for a prominent newspaperman John Vail. It was considered one of the finest hotels West of Chicago. It fell into ruin but was revitalized and is in use for the elderly and disabled today. I think buildings like this would make fine housing for people displaced by life in general.  I know many cities have such buildings. 

I love hearing about stories that involve people helping others. We often see that kindness spread during hurricanes, fires and other natural disasters.


I hope you have a beautiful and blessed day. Come join the postcard exchange/giveaway.


Martha said...

So many blessings! I agree with you on #10, I think about that all the time, but especially in the winter.

Red Rose Alley said...

So many things to be grateful for. I heard one time that the happiest people are grateful people. I believe that is true. Thank you for visiting our blog. You have a lovely blog. The strawberry sour cream pie looks amazing.

Wishing you wonderful November days.


messymimi said...

It's beautiful the way you count your blessings.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The baby picture is so precious! I wear thick socks around the house as well. The kind with sticky dots on the bottom.

Susan said...

Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. So lovely to know you stopped by. Susan

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My favorite of your gratefulness today is that adorable little girl in the red hat. What a precious picture. Each day when I read through your list it jogs my memory and mind to think of the things I'm thankful for

Rita said...

Yes, so much to be grateful for. This has been a great series. Thanks for sharing. :)