Sunday, October 25, 2020

Day 5 Ten Days of Gratefulness


1. Grateful for Strawberry Sour Cream Pie before the baking began! Noelle came over, ate some yummy Texas Hash with us. Sorry forgot to photograph it! Said, do you have dessert? we didn't so she said, do you strawberries, sour cream and a pie shell? Of course we did, so Rebekah gave up her pie shell to make this yummy pie. More later on the pie. (wink wink)

2. Grateful for days with nine degree temps and falling snow and icy roads. We were together, the five of us and Noelle and Roger. Laughing, cooking, enjoying phamily time. Grateful, very grateful.

3. Grateful for sleeping in. On the weekends I like to leave my sweet hubby rest as he gets up at 5 A.M. during the weekdays. I was up at 7 A.M. watching the snow fall. Put on the coffee and showered.

4. Grateful as Sandra mentioned regarding her hubby , love to wake up next to my Avery. He is my best friend and I love spending my time with him. Grateful we are still here another day.

5. Grateful for gin rummy, silly cartoons on TV and simple fun during the weekend.

6. Grateful the snow is falling. Praying it will help calm these raging fires.

7. Grateful for my eyesight. I have horrible vision and am careful to take care of my eyes. But my sight is something I ma grateful for every single day I live.

8. Grateful for Scripture and this one which reminds me of my BFF Grandmother. She lost her sight when I was 8 and this verse means so much to me because of her.

9. Grateful for cars with four wheel drive in this snowy season.

Every snow season which Frozen I and Frozen II came out, this is my go to humor. DO not mess with Elsa and please do not make her angry! She will send the snow!

10. Grateful for moments that make me smile, laugh and even cry! This SONday was simply perfection.

When my big sister had her second son, they were stationed with the US Army at Fort Riley, Kansas. My nephew Edward was born there. These are a few postcards from those days. I have postcard organizers now and save every single postcard I can get my hands on.

I want to invite you to join the postcard exchange. If you do not wish to exchange postcards with me you can simply send me one and I will enter you in the giveaway. The first time I did this I received almost all US States and some international countries too.  You can email your info to me. I will open this now and leave it until I am close to all the states. My blogaversary is coming up November 1 to celebrate 10 years as a blogger. So my giveaway will include some Colorado goodies. I will make a button on my sidebar and hope you will join me too. My email is if you would like to join the fun and send me your address info.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

Enjoyed your list of grateful again today assign different ones every day and that's really good. I can tell you that never in my life have I ever said or will ever say that I am grateful for 9° temperatures. In fact the lowest temperature I have ever been in was 16 degrees and I was not happy with that. But I will say when we get 65 degrees that I love that

Martha said...

I bet that pie was delicious! Lots there to be grateful for. I would love to exchange post cards with you :)

Martha said...

I tried to connect to your email from your profile but it didn't work. You can email me at

Mevely317 said...

Oh gurl, I'm sooooo envious of both your snow AND the temps. WHAT is Texas Hash ... sounds delish! Please count me in on the postcard exchange? Yours are the best ideas!

messymimi said...

Pie would top my list of gratitudes, too.

A postcard exchange sounds fun, i've not done that before.

Sandee said...

I had the main courses on your other blog and dessert here. Excellent.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

pilch92 said...

Great list of thankfuls. That strawberry pie looks good. Love Elsa, my great-niece and I play with the dolls and her castle every week. I always have to be the voice of Kristof. XO

Kathe W. said...

oh my much to laugh and enoy!

Kathe W. said...

PIE ia the best evert! HUGS!