Saturday, October 3, 2020



Larisa is the daughter of Shannon who has a cool business in North Dakota called JunkFlirt. Larisa had me cracking up sharing this. This is my sleep life. While the hubby enjoys countless extra hours of slumber I watch the ceiling in darkness. Hoping I drift off very soon tonight. I do not hate, I just get really annoyed. 

My oldest girl Noelle is the Snapchat Queen. I love these photos. My new glasses even look better! 

Humor aside, prayer is needed for our nation and for those spewing absolute hate. I am shaken to know so many who wish evil and hatred for our president.  It is utterly sickening.  We do not watch any mainstream news including Fox with all of their one sided narratives. I wish for the days of Walter Cronkite. He gave you the headline and you used your own brain to process it. Today we have a cult mentality. It is scary how many people border on mental breakdowns with their frightening hatred. There are things and even people who are not my cup of tea. But I have found that if I trust God and pray as He asks me to I will feel better, be a better person and one day join God in His heavenly home. I ask you all to stop and pray. Satan is attacking our nation from every angle. 

In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.
America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.
There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free, or you are not free. Walter Cronkite


Louca por porcelana said...

You are right. God bless America. Sending hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Snapchat picture is cute! And that first thing is exactly what happens to me almost every night usually on the third night of nights like that I fall asleep the instant I lay down because I've worn myself out on the other two nights. Every night when I go to bed I have three pillows and they have to be moved and moved again and put here and put there until I get comfortable. And now that we have a dog on Lasix water pills I have to listen for him asking to go out when he has to pee and as long as he wakes me up before 1 a.m. I can go back to sleep but if it's any time after 1 a.m. I'm up the rest of the night

Ginny Hartzler said...

When I was young, I DID admire smart people. And now I DO admire kind people more than anything else. This quote is ME!! Yes, I take a long time to get to sleep, thinking of things to do and tossing around. Phil sleeps as soon as he goes to bed.

messymimi said...

You are so right about how difficult it is to watch the news. Just the other day i was wishing Walter Cronkite could come back and give today's media lessons.

Some people, like me, fall asleep fast but if you wake us up, it can take hours to fall back to sleep. My Sweetie, like you, takes a good while to wind down, but once asleep, he can wake up and go right back to sleep. Both have their advantages and disadvantagess.

Mevely317 said...

In the last day and a half I've been shaken to the core. Of course, by the news of our wonderful President and First Lady. But then, the absolute evil exhibited by those who would wish him harm (or worse). It's like the earth itself has opened up and Satan's unleashed his minions. PRAY!