Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Today is National Coffee Day for all the coffee drinkers out there. Here is a brew chart for you in case you did not know all these different kinds of brews.

Lots of ways to have your favorite brew. Do you have one?

Iced coffee is good in the hot weather. Do you have a favorite coffee brand?

This little coffee house is up the road from us. Not too far away.  I have been to the larger one which is a few miles away and in the winter, you can sit around a toasty warm fireplace. They have just about any coffee drink you would imagine. Is there a favorite coffeehouse where you like to go?  The smaller places are less crowded and therefore you can sit, relax and enjoy. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

I didn't know it is coffee day! My fav is Coconut Mocha and Peppermint Bark. We have a Keurig and love it, because we each like different kinds of coffee. We love Starbucks, but haven't been there since the pandemic.

Mevely317 said...

How I wish I could join you at that coffee house. As far as I know there's nothing like that around here. :(
I'm clipping and saving these charts -- wow, some I've never heard of, but would like to try. Have you ever enjoyed Cuban coffee? While living in Florida I'd purposely leave early and drive out of my way to visit a little Cuban eatery and get a tall cup 'to-go.' Keep threatening to try and make it myself, but I fear it wouldn't be the same.

messymimi said...

It's also International Coffee Day, and our favorite is Community Dark Roast. If i were told i could only have one kind of coffee the rest of my life, that would be it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I'm smiling because my last couple of toes have been about the coffee disaster when something was wrong with our Maxwell House. We think it was a bad can but now we're we're on a second different brand and we can't find one we like. I just like a good strong cup of coffee. I do love iced Frappuccino or cappuccino. But have never been in a coffeehouse I got those two things from Books-A-Million but that was 22 years ago. We live frugally and cannot afford coffee houses are Frappuccinos but I do like them. Most of all I like to wake up in the morning and know that I have a good strong cup of coffee and I always have three and sometimes

Rita said...

I mostly drink my coffee black. Occasionally I add cream and flavored sweet (non-sugar) drops since I've been on keto. That's the closest I come to fancy coffee. Happy coffee day! :)