Tuesday, August 25, 2020

National Banana Split Day

If you are familiar with Kansas and Oklahoma you will know Braum's. This is a photo of an actual banana split you could get there. When Nick was attending college in Salina, Kansas we made a stop at Braum's. This cost less then four dollars last time we visited in 2017. Their story is fascinating and I like to visit local businesses whenever we get a chance to travel. Today is National Banana Split Day so you may indulge if you choose.
Sometime we order dinner from Cheddar's. They make an amazing salmon and the hubby loves their chicken fried steak. When you order a side salad you get a delicious made fresh croissant. They bake these daily. But I like to have mine with a cup of hot tea, no matter the temp outside is reading nearly 100!
Gave the twin son-in-law a jar of this goodness for his birthday. You don't think he likes it or anything do you? I found this company on line and their combinations were mouth watering. Going to try the peach salsa next.
A dab of this on a club cracker with a smidgen of cream cheese is so good.
Since I took off on the food road...here is Nick's ice cream cake from the Dairy Queen. It is the only cake he loves.
Hannah said Franklin a/k/a Frankie Fresh was helping her print letters. Jake cleaned out the garage so she could set up the scroll saw and cut wood into letters. This girl is so talented. She loves painting and behind Franklin is something Hannah has been working on.
I belong to a hometown page at social media. I think guys relate to this more than gals. But some guys shared their own stories and I was crying from laughter. One guy said his dad was having a particularly bad day. He said he threw a screwdriver and barely missed him along with a long list of curse words! His brother, unaware if what was happening,  walked over and nearly was knocked down by another tool and curse words flying. This reminded me of the Christmas movie, A Christmas Story. Poor Ralphie, his dad was changing the balding flat tire while Ralphie held the hubcap filled with the lug nuts! Raphie let out a profanity, or the Queen Mother of dirty words as he called it. He did not enjoy that bar of Life Buoy soap his mom stuck between his teeth. Why this all reminded me of that movie, But these words are as true as these:
HaHaHa! I am not easily scared, as I was taught by some of the nuns who were direct descendants of Satan himself! I recently had a conversation with my oldest brother. He said, sister, God made you and me and Ed backward. Both of my brothers are left handed like me. We were a tough bunch. Those nuns could not crack us! HaHaHa! My sweet mom did everything left handed except write.  My momma could bowl! Oh Goodness, she was a terrific bowler and threw that ball with her left hand! Ha Sister Mary HE Double Hockey Sticks!


Kit said...

Hello! So nice to meet you. That banana split looks great. Been hot here too but today is cooler since we have a lot of smoke in the air. We always say Montana has 5 seasons. The extra one is fire season. At least it is short lived. You take care and keep cool. Kit

Martha said...

I need those salsas in my life - yum! I'm saving that one about the nuns, so true lol! Have a great evening :)

Mevely317 said...

Ooooooh! That banana split looks like something right out of a Norman Rockwell painting! I've not heard of Braums before, but sure miss Cheddars ... they used to make the best burgers. Right now, I'd love a nice plate of salmon -- or chicken fried steak. Heck, anything professionally prepared! HUGS!

Ginny Hartzler said...

We don't have any of these eating places except Dairy Queen. Wonder what makes a person either right or left handed...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the banana split flipped me back in time to the last 50's. my cousin and I used to ride bus in Savannah to downtown, on Saturday am to see a movie or a double feature. when the movie let out, we had to wait on the bus to take us home, for almost an hour. we spent it with a split just like this one and it cost ONE DOLLAR back then. the last one I had was in 2012, that was the first one since the late fifites. I ate it and it made me sick.

messymimi said...

Yes, i remember the nuns, but most of mine were not mean like that. In fact, Sister Katharine could dance the Latin Hustle!

pilch92 said...

My mom and sister could relate to the nun one. My folks sent me to public school because they knew I was too sensitive to deal with the nuns. XO