Friday, August 14, 2020

In The Middle of The HodgePodge

I'm not on time this week or most weeks. The days run away from me before I can get everything done or at least organized. To be fair this week, I am on my own with all the pets. The middle and her hubby went to Michigan to celebrate his 30th birthday with his twin sister! So that is the best excuse I have. The small pups require more attention than the big guy. Leo is perfectly happy lounging in the sun but the pups have to bug him or they chase each other in the area where he prefers to enjoy the sunshine.Life is funny most days so I certainly never have a dull moment!
Here is another reason why I am constantly late. My grandson drove the kids to the airport so I watched Baby Shea. Who can resist this cute girl? She is so animated and so sweet! I never miss the opportunity to be with this tiny girl.

1. August 12th is National Middle Child Day...are you a middle child? If not, where in your family do you fall in terms of birth order? Do you hold true to the typical characteristics of oldest-middle-youngest child? A quick list can be found  here: Birth Order Traits  . Elaborate.

I am the youngest . My husband and middle daughter are identical because they are indeed "the middle" child.

As far as holding true to the youngest child, I'd say yes. I am the definition of that youngest and I have read the books by Dr. Kevin Lehman. He was my hero as I was raising children with my husband. Dr. Lehman was also the baby so I could relate to him perfectly. Since our baby is turning 27 on August 20th he is exactly like me. My kids have often said they believe I favor him. It is untrue. He is the youngest, I am the youngest, we understand each other. I am fun loving and very uncomplicated. But I do not believe I was manipulative, self centered or an attention seeker. Perhaps I was a bit charming and often just had to look at my father and he gave in to me. My mother did not. My siblings were 16,14,7 and 5 years older than me. We were three girls and two boys. My husband and I have three girls and two boys. My hubby came from parents who had three boys and one girl.

2. Tell us about a time you felt like (Or actually were ) in the middle of nowhere.

The hubby, the middle and I were driving to Phoenix for a cross country race . Our youngest son was the runner. My hubby pulled directions off google. This was before GPS hit the market. We ended up on a two lane road, some of dirt and some of it paved. A large RV from Canada was in front of us and he would not move to the side so we could pass. As a result, we traveled in the middle of nowhere for three extra hours and once darkest hit found ourselves winding down a National Park filled with cactus and pine trees. That was the longest middle of nowhere ride ever.

3. What's something you're smack in the middle of currently?

Patiently waiting for our solar panels to arrive and be installed. Miscommunication twice has thrown us into a frustrating situation. After 2021 living in a democratic state where they want all the go green. if you do not comply with all these  go green things, you will be paying double and triple on your electric and gas bill! We have several neighbors who have done it already and feel it is well worth it. We would sure like to see for ourselves but that still remains to be seen!

4. What's a food  you love to eat that  has something delicious in the middle?

This is a tough one as I need to curb my sugar enthusiasm but there is the Voo Doo donut that is a custard filled donut with chocolate frosting on it. Then there are the cream puffs and eclairs that a local bakery in our neighborhood makes. It is a tough choice. Voo Doo Donuts is near downtown Denver so it takes a 30 minute trip to go there if there is no traffic.That bakery is too close for comfort. HaHaHa!
My mother was the original Queen of the Saint Joseph Cream Puffs from her Women's Glory in the Kitchen Cookbook. None can compare to her cream puffs made with fresh heavy cream and sprinkled lightly with powdered sugar.
I attended Saint Mary's Catholic School from grades K to 8. My fondest memories include many of the friends I still cherish to this very day. I was a shy kid and in my kindergarten class, the teacher was yammering on about something and I was terribly bored so I stuck my tongue out at her, having cupped my hand over my mouth. What I did not realize was that she could see me because I did not close my hand. Sitting in that corner "thinking about my sin" made me even madder. I was not terribly fond of the any teachers until the 5th and 6th grade. But as far as friends were concerned we all stuck together like glue. No one would ever dare "snitch" on anyone. We did the three Musketeers things, all for one and one for all! No one betrayed each other. Something which has become commonplace in our world today. Simply sad. In the 6th grade my grandmother and BFF passed away. The elderly nun Sister Adelaide took me aside and comforted me telling me she understood my pain and sadness. I later asked my mother how a nun could know my sadness. She said the sister lost a brother, who was a fire fighter. They were on a call and he flew off the back of the truck. Back in her day they did not have the safety equipment they have today. I never forgot her and when she passed away I remember my mother calling me and telling me that Sister Adelaide was 100 and had passed away. I was so saddened by her death I sat and cried. I will never forget her kindness.
Here is our 7th grade group photo I am the third girl from your right side with the short flippy hairdo. My best pal Karen is next to the teacher Mrs. Sandstorm. Our teacher was a nervous Nelly but she was quite kind and never hesitated to help you if you needed it. The boy smack dab in the middle, on the top row, was Joe Brown. I still keep in contact at social media sometimes. He always said those nuns gave him a daily beating but there was never a beating he did not fully deserve. He served in the U S Navy and went through Vietnam as well as Desert Storm and went on to work for the federal government. Many children were orphans, products of the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. We all got along because that is how we were raised and how we were taught. I am very grateful for the type of schooling I had as well as the wonderful parents too. Catholic schools always promoted the 3 R's - Reading, (W)riting and (A)rithmetic along with R E S P E C T something terribly lacking in today's society. They also encouraged Religion. Between my parents and Catholic school, which I attended until they were closed in my junior year of high school.I learned a simple thing: Everything good comes from GOD. No regrets attending this school and still keeping in contact with many of these kids today.

6. Insert your own random thoughts here:

Life is very strange today but my hope is in Jesus. Everything seems to be following the plan I see laid out in the bible. God is good. God loves all mankind and no one will judge anyone except for God. I Learned this in the kindergarten and it has stuck with me all through my life. I am an imperfect being yet God still loves me. I believe it to be true and it helps me navigate these rocky roads we are forced to travel in the life as we know it today.

Please join HodgePodge and share some fun there.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How cool that you are installing solar panels! Your middle of nowhere trip would have been so frightening for me! Now it's bedtime and I want a donut!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Baby Shea is adorable! Right now we are smack in the middle have Murphy's law visiting us almost every day and we can't seem to get past it it's like everyday I wake up to a new problem. I won't Murphy to go away

JanCT said...

Your "random thought" says it all. If I couldn't trust Him, this life would be much more difficult. I am the youngest in my family. I think internally I WAS an attention-seeker. I just didn't let it show OUTWARDLY. I've been working on that trait for a few decades now. I THINK I've improved some. :)
Blessings, Jan
Laughter and Consistency

Mevely317 said...

Love the 7th grade class picture ... but my ALL-TIME favorite is this one of you and Shea Avery Marie. Aw, you look so happy!
UGH, on getting sidetracked in the wilds of Arizona! Were you frightened? (And why didn't I know you were coming? LOL) I've even heard of GPS units sending folks on wild-goose chases.

PS - I can't get over those doughnuts. Especially that blue thing in the middle with what looks like pieces of Fruit Loops cereal. Bet it's delicious tho.

messymimi said...

The baby is so beautiful! You have such a good memory, i enjoy your stories of years gone by.

Joyce said...

Thanks for joining in this week. I did correct your link so I think it's good now. I arrived here that way : ) Yes life is indeed very strange, but I too am thankful for my hope in Jesus. I hope you have a good week!