Monday, September 16, 2024


SEPTEMBER 15, 2024


Here we are back for another Toni Taddeo Tuesday 4.   I hope you find them fun, thought provoking and interesting.

Have you been in trouble or had some Whoops/oops moments  in your life? Let's talk about it.

1.Have you ever felt like the dog in the picture? Yes! In fact I was cleaning the shredder when I dropped confetti like bits all over the floor!

2.Did you ever cause an embarrassing or inconvenient incident? What Opps moments were your fault? Too many to tell on myself. It seems like there is always something to make a mess of. Once I did throw out something in the fridge that I thought was bad, with a second opinion from my husband. Oops!

3. Tattle on your family or pets.. what funny incidents did they get into? Finn our youngest pup, he is actually just like the dog in the picture. But this weekend, I caught Loki one of the other boys going through the trash. He is our daughter's favorite and I busted him cold. She has a bad habit of dumping leftover food scrapes or whatever in the trash and of course, there is Finn or Loki to go through it like they are being starved!

4. What was the funniest moment in your life? There are many but as a small child, who was painfully shy, I was in the kindergarten and I didn't like something the teacher was saying. I thought I cupped my hands over my mouth as I stuck out my tongue. But because I was a little kid, I did not closed the cupped hands together. The teacher sent me to the corner. Boy was I mad but glad I did not have to look at her face! 2nd grade, the nun wanted me to stop using my left hand. I told her she was scaring me. she said I am not. I said I am going to throw up. She said no you are not! I did, all over that little religion book. She never asked me again to use my right hand. finally, also the 2nd grade. Someone had their milk money taken. Sister Caroline said we must bow our heads and pray to St. Anthony. No offense to anyone who believes he answers prayers but he sure never answered that one! It was then I realized that our parish priest was right. Jesus Christ hung on the cross for the sins of the world and if we prayed to Him He would help us. I never forgot that and it was the day I knew I belonged to Jesus. I am forever grateful for that day a long, long, long time ago.


hahaha...I love these webbed footed friends of ours.

I'll say this love is...has not failed to make me smile since 1971.

Shout out to Sandra at the Pulmonology office. If she hadn't picked up that phone today we would never been able to  get the appointment with the Dr. tomorrow.I hope God does something beautiful for her today and I told her so.

Shout out to Sandra who asked about the protein powder. I have Nature's Bounty and before I bought it I looked at all the ingredients at amazon. I am not a huge fan of stevia (aftertaste) and others that have other sugar alternatives. So this one does have some sugar but I use it three times a week. I am not a gym rat so I do not need to drink a smoothie 7 days a week twice a day. I do what works for me. I also spent a lot of time reading reviews. Plus I needed something affordable. I tried Orgain but the Stevia was chalky and left an aftertaste for me. My youngest daughter took it. I was grateful because it was more expensive than the Nature's Bounty. I did purchase Nature's Bounty in Vanilla and chocolate. They make a nice smoothie and when we had peaches still in season it was delicious with the vanilla, a fresh peach and a couple tablespoons of Plain Greek Yogurt.  I hope you find something that works great for you! Thank you for stopping here too.

I am going to pose at my other blog about the mourning doves and the squirrels. I am going to try to catch a few photos though. The squirrels are hard to catch but the doves often sit quietly while their one baby learns to fly.


Sandee said...

Love the Q&A. Love the funny and love the Love is... So true. Hubby and I feel that way.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

Mari said...

I loved your funny memories, especially where you stuck your tongue out. I can just picture it!
Love the duck meme too. :)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Great stories! Now I am scratching my head and trying to remember something to share in my post for tomorrow. You've helped to inspire me a bit on this. Love the duck meme...that's funny. Did you say you were going to post in your other blog? Do you have two blogs? I wasn't aware of that! Where is it? Hope you have a lovely week.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Yes, I've had those "whoops" moments my whole life. Recently was when I accidentally spilled coffee grinds all over the kitchen counter. It was a mess, and hard to clean up. That was a funny story about your kindergarten year. When you mentioned Saint Anthony, I smiled. He is my beloved Saint, and has brought back lost items to me every single time - and my family's! We love him so.

Have a splendid September week, my friend.


ps.....I don't like going to the dentist either.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Your post made me smile.

R's Rue said...


MadSnapper said...

I could type for an hour and not list all my crazy moments, too many to list. I am a whoops person to the bone and genetically inclimed to have them. I enjoyed all the answers to the questions and liked all the questions today.
you have my sweet Big boy on your side bar, so will tell this on him. the day we brought him home from the shelter, we took him in the big grassy yard with fence, with a hole we had no idea was there. he was scared of the yard and we just let him wander, he went behind a bush and disappeared. he had walked through the fence into the neighbors yard and I could see him but he would not come. we had had him less than an hour. I grabbed the jar of milk bones and stuck my hand through the fence waving it at him, when he came for the bone, I jerked my hand back through the hole and he followed the bone. While we patched the hole, I put him in the house and when we came in he was in the middle of the living room carpet with the froze bread I had left to thaw on the counter. half the loaf was gone, we laughed our heads off and thought what have we done. that was the only bad things he did in the 2 short years he lived.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

What a fantastic memory you have, Anne! Oh, I've done some silly things that I don't even want to remember. I do love your story about how you realized that you only needed to pray to Jesus - what a revelation!
Have a blessed week!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, that teacher of yours! I'd have probably stuck my tongue out at her, as well.
Thank you for telling us about Nature's Bounty. Tom bought himself a Bullet (blender) last year, but has yet to prepare anything with protein powder.

messymimi said...

Those are good answers, I like how you realized you belong to Jesus.

Waterproof that chicken and give it a kazoo! I laughed so hard I cried!

Annie said...

Loved your answers!! My mom was a lefty too but they made her use her right. I love the waterproof kazoo.