Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday4 Happy Tuesday Maxine Cracks Me up


Tuesday 4 is here once again. 

I was thinking about wild life that is all around us.  Summer brings us out of the house and we spend more time outdoors, weather permitting,  and have an opportunity to see animals and birds that live around us.

1. Do you see many animals where you live? Is your answer a good or bad thing? Yes, Hawks, Bunnies, Foxes, Coyotes, Geese.  Foxes are cute and playful but most of these are predators to small animals. The wild bunnies are just very annoying. 

2. What kind of animals and birds are around your area? Lots of domestic cats and dogs. Sparrows, Mourning doves. Robins and Squirrels. I wish I knew more names of the beautiful birds. Woodpeckers and Owls.

3. What kind of animals and birds could you do without and what kind would you love to see more  often? The wild bunnies and hawks could live elsewhere. where no small house pets live. 

4. Do you feed wild birds or animals ? No, a squirrel who got into a pumpkin at Halloween our daughter left on the patio. He made such a mess and when I tried to confront him, boy did he get mad and threw pulp and seeds at me and ran away quickly. After that he would root through the open trash cans we keep for patio parties. What a little terror.

Happy Tuesday

A blue door on a pink house. I love these colors together. I always wish I could peek inside even on these Pinterest finds. So happy and calm. Peaceful and quiet. As I get older I love all those things. But I still enjoy wild and crazy grand boys and girls too.

Ugh.....Maxine you hit this nail on the head! Nothing worse than mindless yammering over the latest greatest drugs all with more side affects than you'd need in a lifetime!  Most of the commercials today are mindless and plain annoying.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Why do you not like bunnies? OY, the drug commercials. They tell you how they will help your condition so much, if you are willing to die, have seizures or a heart attack.

Mari said...

We have the same critters as you. The bunnies are always eating the flowers!
Maxine is so right!

Sandee said...

We feed the birds here and we fed two kitties that are now our indoor babies. A great post and you know how I love Maxine.

Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

Mevely317 said...

Oooh, Anne, I'm sorry but can't quit giggling about the squirrel in the pumpkin. And throwing seeds at you? I know it wasn't funny at the time, but I never imagined those cutie pies could be brats.
I hate the hawks with a purple passion. For a while there we had one that came and sat on the back fence. Much to Tom's amusement I always carried a long pvc pipe (think the kind pole vaulters use) anytime the girls were out back.

Right there with you on the pharmaceutical commercials; Tom and I were just talking (griping) about that the other day. So many others are just moronic; makes me wonder just what their target demographic is.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Squirrels can certainly be a nuisance in some instances, but I do get such a kick out of the ones around us here. They are infinitely amusing with their antics. No, we don't feed the birds anymore due to cost. Have a great week, Anne!

Annie said...

Those pharma commercials are against the law in Europe etc. I wish they were here as well. You certainly have a naughty squirrel there! I can just imagine him throwing pumpkin around! Made me giggle though I am sure it was a big mess.

Bill said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. We usually see lots of sheep and cows when we are out for a walk. I like watching squirrels and so did one of our dogs when we had dogs. All we had to say to our dog is "where is Mr. Squirrel" and she would run to the window and watch him. Always fun for us to watch too. Have a great day.

R's Rue said...

Hope you’re doing well. Hugs.