Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday4 Happy Tuesday Maxine Cracks Me up


Tuesday 4 is here once again. 

I was thinking about wild life that is all around us.  Summer brings us out of the house and we spend more time outdoors, weather permitting,  and have an opportunity to see animals and birds that live around us.

1. Do you see many animals where you live? Is your answer a good or bad thing? Yes, Hawks, Bunnies, Foxes, Coyotes, Geese.  Foxes are cute and playful but most of these are predators to small animals. The wild bunnies are just very annoying. 

2. What kind of animals and birds are around your area? Lots of domestic cats and dogs. Sparrows, Mourning doves. Robins and Squirrels. I wish I knew more names of the beautiful birds. Woodpeckers and Owls.

3. What kind of animals and birds could you do without and what kind would you love to see more  often? The wild bunnies and hawks could live elsewhere. where no small house pets live. 

4. Do you feed wild birds or animals ? No, a squirrel who got into a pumpkin at Halloween our daughter left on the patio. He made such a mess and when I tried to confront him, boy did he get mad and threw pulp and seeds at me and ran away quickly. After that he would root through the open trash cans we keep for patio parties. What a little terror.

Happy Tuesday

A blue door on a pink house. I love these colors together. I always wish I could peek inside even on these Pinterest finds. So happy and calm. Peaceful and quiet. As I get older I love all those things. But I still enjoy wild and crazy grand boys and girls too.

Ugh.....Maxine you hit this nail on the head! Nothing worse than mindless yammering over the latest greatest drugs all with more side affects than you'd need in a lifetime!  Most of the commercials today are mindless and plain annoying.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Aw.... Mondays and love is...


Wise words from a very talented author, to remind myself and others how powerful words are and how we can help others in the simplest ways. 

We've had plenty of sunshine lately. Temps in the 90's. It seems many states are having heat waves too. Stay cool and hydrated. love is.... is always so sweet for me.

Thinking of Sally DiStefano who hosted Blue Mondays for many years. Missing her always and I keep hunting for blues, especially in sweet cottages. Would you rather have a cottage or a tiny house? A cottage for me! Those tiny houses rarely have a sleeping space that does not require you climbing a ladder. No, not today thank you. I will take this pale blue cottage and the accompanying blue water on a sunny Spring day.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024



 My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys."

— Harmon Killebrew
My Colorado Rockies haven't been playing the best baseball lately. But having been raised my a father who told me to stick with the home teams. So I do....baseball, basketball, football, hockey.

Charlie Blackmon, the most analytical player in the sports, my opinion of course!

Aaron Gordon, my favorite Denver Nugget player. Just a kind soul. Would you say a prayer for him and his family? His older brother passed away in a car accident. Drew left a wife and three children behind.  Makes my heart sad.

This is a tough one, always been a Bronco's fan:
Except never during the Elway era. My love was officially given to Joe Montana. Yeah...saw him play twice at the AF Academy with my folks!  A terrific QB....today we are up in arms with the Bronco's. Unsure who will take the QB helm. Manning was a class act. Grateful he was never injured during his Denver heydays.

Oh the Colorado Av's ... big crush on their handsome coach hahaha! He is so perfect and a perfect gentleman. But old school Joe Sakic. My grandson Colton, as a young boy followed him into the men's room at Casa Bonita and  asked for an autograph. Joe obliged , after he washed his hands of course. 

Today it is Nathan McKinnon! Our grandson Brody has his jersey signed and framed up and he is his favorite player too.  Sports is good for my soul. 
Oh Maxine, you and I have the same pain! But I am blessed with a husband who helps me out with our favorite Amish Cream that he can slather on my hip before bed! I know, it's just so romantic!  hahahaha
Thinking of my favorite Arch Bishop from my long ago Catholic school days....Fulton J Sheen. I will leave you here with a quote from him:
" You must remember to love people and use things, rather than to love things and use people." 
May your week be filled with goodness, love and peace while you go through your days.