Thursday, September 26, 2024



I am thankful! So many negative things have happened to us lately. I decided to take a different perspective. I decided to be thankful for it all, for whatever reason, perhaps a rainbow or a silver lining will be behind it all. 

I have been praying for everyone in Hurricane Helen's path. I think about the destruction a storm can cause and I thought I could put my troubles on hold. so if you are anywhere near this storm please know you are in my prayers.

I found this meme to share. After today's news that the Jeep needs more repairs, I had to share it.

Rock bottom is the story of our lives  lately. But instead of complaining I am going to do for others. I  might not have money to throw around but I can pray. I can offer encouragement to others and I can share so much with others. Kindness goes a long way.

Today I had lunch with my grandson Colton and sweet Shea. She had just come from pre-k and she wanted lunch. She wanted McDonald's It is hard to tell a little fib but when you have your heart set on a sit down lunch with someone waiting on you, Colton said, Shea, remember when we went to McDonald's with Grandmother last time? The playground was closed for cleaning?  They probably clean it at the same time everyday. So he was being truthful. 

Shea than says well than I want Chick-fil-a and her daddy said How about Olive Garden? They went back and forth and I added, you know you get your own personalized menu, I wish I could have one. Plus they always give you a piece of chocolate. She said, Grandmother what kind of chocolate? I said, you know the chocolate minty kind. Because you are  so cute and you will eat your lunch they will probably give you two! She was sold!

We had the most delightful lunch and Jessica, was our waitress. She was new and this was her first week on the floor alone. She was the sweetest. She even brought Shea a little cup of croutons when she heard her say she wanted more of mine from the salad. She brought our food and made sure we had refills on soup, pasta and tea . Colton ordered the all you can eat pasta bowl. It was funny to see him eat and get extra cups of soups too. Thankful for those moments with them and  the nice reasonable lunch. Jessica did give Shea two chocolate candies.

Hard to think my boy has been gone for well over a month. Actually one full month and 9 days. So this little meme is for all the angel babies out there like Tiger a/k/a Mr. Kitty and Brian. Stay happy on that Rainbow bridge

FRIENDLY FILL IN'S and  Ellen and her co host Lorianne  have four questions to answer each week. Ellen came up with the first two and Lorianne and the other two. Please join the fun.
Here are the four questions to fill in. Tomorrow we will post our answers.

1. I have had COVD once. It was mild and the worst ever flu I had in 2013 on December 31st. But I had a kind, caring and compassionate doctor (Segall) who cared for the good health of his patients and he gave me Tamiflu. I have not been sick like that again. Praise God!

2. There is no acceptable excuse for rudeness, ever.

3. I wish Autumn/ Fall lasted all year long.

4. I probably look silly when I dance but  I don't care.

I added these same answers, some with more wording at my blog annesphamily dot blogspot dot com
love is...always has my back and his too,

Monday, September 16, 2024


SEPTEMBER 15, 2024


Here we are back for another Toni Taddeo Tuesday 4.   I hope you find them fun, thought provoking and interesting.

Have you been in trouble or had some Whoops/oops moments  in your life? Let's talk about it.

1.Have you ever felt like the dog in the picture? Yes! In fact I was cleaning the shredder when I dropped confetti like bits all over the floor!

2.Did you ever cause an embarrassing or inconvenient incident? What Opps moments were your fault? Too many to tell on myself. It seems like there is always something to make a mess of. Once I did throw out something in the fridge that I thought was bad, with a second opinion from my husband. Oops!

3. Tattle on your family or pets.. what funny incidents did they get into? Finn our youngest pup, he is actually just like the dog in the picture. But this weekend, I caught Loki one of the other boys going through the trash. He is our daughter's favorite and I busted him cold. She has a bad habit of dumping leftover food scrapes or whatever in the trash and of course, there is Finn or Loki to go through it like they are being starved!

4. What was the funniest moment in your life? There are many but as a small child, who was painfully shy, I was in the kindergarten and I didn't like something the teacher was saying. I thought I cupped my hands over my mouth as I stuck out my tongue. But because I was a little kid, I did not closed the cupped hands together. The teacher sent me to the corner. Boy was I mad but glad I did not have to look at her face! 2nd grade, the nun wanted me to stop using my left hand. I told her she was scaring me. she said I am not. I said I am going to throw up. She said no you are not! I did, all over that little religion book. She never asked me again to use my right hand. finally, also the 2nd grade. Someone had their milk money taken. Sister Caroline said we must bow our heads and pray to St. Anthony. No offense to anyone who believes he answers prayers but he sure never answered that one! It was then I realized that our parish priest was right. Jesus Christ hung on the cross for the sins of the world and if we prayed to Him He would help us. I never forgot that and it was the day I knew I belonged to Jesus. I am forever grateful for that day a long, long, long time ago.


hahaha...I love these webbed footed friends of ours.

I'll say this love is...has not failed to make me smile since 1971.

Shout out to Sandra at the Pulmonology office. If she hadn't picked up that phone today we would never been able to  get the appointment with the Dr. tomorrow.I hope God does something beautiful for her today and I told her so.

Shout out to Sandra who asked about the protein powder. I have Nature's Bounty and before I bought it I looked at all the ingredients at amazon. I am not a huge fan of stevia (aftertaste) and others that have other sugar alternatives. So this one does have some sugar but I use it three times a week. I am not a gym rat so I do not need to drink a smoothie 7 days a week twice a day. I do what works for me. I also spent a lot of time reading reviews. Plus I needed something affordable. I tried Orgain but the Stevia was chalky and left an aftertaste for me. My youngest daughter took it. I was grateful because it was more expensive than the Nature's Bounty. I did purchase Nature's Bounty in Vanilla and chocolate. They make a nice smoothie and when we had peaches still in season it was delicious with the vanilla, a fresh peach and a couple tablespoons of Plain Greek Yogurt.  I hope you find something that works great for you! Thank you for stopping here too.

I am going to pose at my other blog about the mourning doves and the squirrels. I am going to try to catch a few photos though. The squirrels are hard to catch but the doves often sit quietly while their one baby learns to fly.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday 4 Happy Tuesday love is... Maxine Cracks Me Up

Tuesday4       AUTUMN READING 


Welcome to  Toni Taddeo's Tuesday4 which is hosted by Annie. Thank you 

Happy September friends and welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. 

The Autumnal Equinox is September 21 and it is the actual beginning of Autumn. Many, however, consider Labor Day as the unofficial opening of the Autumn season of the "Ber" Month

1. What's on your reading list for September? Life is Hard, God is Good, Let's Dance! by Brant Hansen, Jesus Christ, The Truth by J John and Chris Walley, 15 Summers Later by RaeAnne Thayne, . My list is short. We started a bible study with the five of us one night a week. So we have homework to  study for and notes to take. We started out slow, my husband Avery is so knowledgeable and lives  the Word of God  as best he can with his fearless heart. The world is so topsy turvy that I am wanting to try to solve things myself and it never works! So it is good we are revisiting so many books in the bible that are speaking out about today's world. It is my top priority.

2. Does your favorite reading nook look anything like the one in the picture or do you wish it did? I wish it did! I often read in bed because we have an adjustable bed and our model is a split king. So I am able to not disturb my sleeping husband when I can not sleep. I would love to have a nook with a window and even an outdoor one in the warm weather providing I could be screened in away from the wasps!

3. Can you name some books you've read many times? To Kill A Mocking Bird, The Good Earth, The Count of Monte Cristo.   Also any books by Fiona Valpy Do you recommend them? The first three are classics and yes I highly recommend them. The Fiona Valpy books are set during WWII primarily and I wish everyone would read these books to know  what could be in store for the world.

4.   Which of the classics have you read?  Good Reads offer a list of classics they recommend here. I have read all the classics that were required reading in my Catholic school days. There are too many to list but:  Don Quixote, Pride and Prejudice , The Catcher in the Rye, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Great Gatsby, Wuthering Heights and  also anything by Ayn Rand. I am grateful for all the books I was required to read because it expanded my knowledge of a world I otherwise would know nothing about. 

Happy Tuesday

This is a good day for me to catch up on Augusts. Nick celebrated on the 20th along with our friends Richard (also 8/20) and Sherrie in California and my niece Katie as well as my dear sweet friend Sharon who is celebrating in Heaven .Nick is blessed with a good bunch of August 20th birthday pals.

The 19th celebrated my favorite Aunt Ang - from here all the way to Heaven where she has been for many years. It is also the birthday of my niece Amy.  I checked in with Jeremy, our oldest son on the 9th already and our son-in-law Zach on the 13th. 

Noelle and Roger would have celebrated 24 years of marriage on the 27th but Roger left us way too soon as well.   The losses we have experienced in our phamily has never been easy and it never will be. Our sweet Alastor Avery went to heaven on the 4th of August when he was just 7 months old. He would be 5 today. So many hard tears fall for those no longer here. But many happy memories are closest to our hearts.

August was not the happiest month with the loss of my boy Tiger a/k/a Mr. Kitty. But I did not think September 1 would give us such a scare! Avery, my husband had been complaining of an eczema breakout. But it was hurting him and I wanted him to call his doctor. Then his asthma flared up! Sunday morning he woke me up to say he  had a very hard time breathing and  wanted to go to the emergency room. Rebekah and Zach drove us and off we went. They believe he had a viral infection because all his labs were excellent and the lung x ray only showed a slight inflammation. After a few hours there they sent him home with some meds and orders to follow up with the PCP and a Pulmonologist. So, please do not be offended, but when people say to me, trust the Science....sorry no! They are only human too and sometimes they do not know everything. I worked in the medical field for 35 years. I worked with research docs in a teaching hospital, I worked in an Admissions office and the emergency room. I learned so much and one thing I learned, on this earth, we are all human and no one knows everything! That in my opinion, is God's job!

We saw this with Nick in 2020 when he was deathly ill. The hospital Er that saw him wanted to write it off as CV19! Nope his blood count was too low. So in came an infection disease guy.. At least the meds he gave NIck worked until May 5 2024 when Nick had a blood count so low that the hospital who tried calling him in the middle of the night had the police come to our home to tell us he needed to go to the ER ASAP! They thought he had leukemia, brought in the old school expert who found he suffered from anemia with a blood count circling the drain! So this older and much wiser doctor solved Nick's problem and two years later, he is staying healthy! 

I am a little slap happy from lack of sleep, lack of relaxation, lack of getting through the day without a crisis. But it is how life does go  sometime.  Plus I am H A P P Y I am here with my people!

Icing on the cake, Zach waited in the car while Rebekah and I took her dad to the ER. Zach had the car on charging  his phone  and checking different videos out and dozed off. When he attempted to start the car it had a dead battery. Thank goodness Nick to the rescue. As he brought the portable battery charger to us so we could all go home. We all had a decent night's sleep on Saturday night.  We are all human and we all make silly mistakes and sometime giant ones.

I bet you are glad you are not me! But the prayer warriors came out in full force and prayed as they always do. I spent the better part of Sunday afternoon sending over 50 messages to everyone who prayed. 

I plan to continue my August saga on my other blog but for now, a quick visit with love is... and Maxine Cracks Me Up:

No other words required.....

Maxine, well, Maxine has opinions on everything! 

Monday, August 19, 2024



My boy left this world yesterday at 2:21 P.M. I am so sad by his loss. He became ill very quickly and I felt like he was gone too soon. I have been trying to make a badge on my side bar on my other blog  and it will not print my picture here to shrink. 

All I can say is that I am devastated . He was always at my side and now I don't know what to do. 


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tuesday4 late on Wednesday but here I am!


Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Little Tea Party

 Welcome back to another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
For my southern friends.. I pray the weather lightens up on you all.  I know it's been a very rough summer heat wise.  Let's pray together for a solution.

This week could we talk about your personal thoughts?

1. Do you find yourself day dreaming about your situation and things you would love to do if only...? Always, my whole life I have been a dreamer. It helps me today with all that is going on in our country and the world.

2. If you are having tea/coffee, a little break in the day does your mind wander off to other thoughts and meditations. Yes, I often pray when I am alone in my thoughts and while all the other members of  our household are working. Today I took a little break and had some milk chocolate tea biscuits. It is 89 outside right now. So I did not have my London Fog tea with Lavender Earl Grey. Just ice tea.

3. Do you find yourself meditating or revisiting in your mind a scripture, verse from a book you've read and it's impact on you? Yes always again! Today I found the perfect verse:  " I will lead the blind  in a way that they do not know, I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them to light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.: Isiaiah 4:26 It helps me prepare for the way our world is going. My trust is in God Himself. 

4.  Do you find yourself sometimes replaying conversations with others?   Are there books or movies that stay vivid in your mind? People always come to mind with reminders of things about them whether they are here or not. Some old TV programs or movies stick to my mind too.. Fried Green Tomatoes,  (face it girls, I'm older, I have more insurance). Sweet Home Alabama, "Why you wanna marry me anyway?", "So I can kiss you, anytime I want to." Love Rachel Hannah and Hope Holloway books. Well written and not trashy. I don't like lots of inappropriate entertainment at all.

Thank you to ANNIE for hosting this. 




Friday, August 9, 2024

Music Quiz Feline Friday Friendly Fill In's


This is fun, Myra posted a music lover's quiz at social media. I have a H U G E play list. In fact it takes up tons of my storage but I LOVE music so I want to do this here. Plus I listen to music most everyday at some point and it is relaxing and fun. Please join in:

Here is a list of Music Lovers rules:

Answer each question with a SONG. No repeats and don't use mine. . Please try not to use the internet although it is very tempting. Have fun! 

Here we go:

Place:  26 Miles (Santa Catalina )

Animal: How Much Is That Doggie In The Window

Number: One Is The Loneliest Number

Colour: Purple Haze

Girl's Name: Oh Donna

Boys Name: My Boy Lollipop (my song for my sweetheart)

Boys Name: Hey Mickey

Day of the Week: Maniac Monday

Weather: Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

C.mon have some fun with me! Thanks Myra!


The caption on this says: "Darling, you will never be everybody's cup of tea! You're champagne! It was the sweetest video clip and the cat spoke in a French accent! Stop by Mimi's and say hi!

ELLEN and LORIANNE co host the Fill In's. I have not been here most of this week but I copied the questions. Here are my answers:

1.Track & Field is my favorite Olympic sport.

2. I won't spend money on anymore books. I have nowhere to keep them. Plus I have donated dozens to the free library house at our rec center .

 3. I've come to the terms with the fact that I want to live only in God's truth and not the world's nonsense.

4. My computer search history includes: checking my trivia answers on the ones I get incorrect. i.e. presidential facts and fun, Civil War battles, state capitals (I am still really good at this one). Thanks Sister Beatrice, Saint Mary's Catholic School, Pueblo, Colorado, 4th grade!

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." Bob Marley

"Music touches us emotionally, where words can't. Johnny Depp

"Music is the universal language of mankind." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In regarding to my fill in answer number 3 this is my fact checker!  Recently at social media, I posted a quote from Elisabeth Elliot as I have followed her since the 1980's. The  fact checkers removed my post saying it was not mine to share. I reported it to the page but nothing has been said or done. So it is another scathing indictment of the world today. I am also very careful sharing any news I get, especially second hand. I am not a 24 hour news watcher. But there are many untruths that go around trying to harm people and their character. So I simply P R A Y.

When I was young there was an expression " If you can't beat 'em join 'em! Uh-no thank you! I am glad I took my dad's advice as a young teen. He would say, "If all your friends were jumping off a tall building are you going to join them? "Nope, absolutely not!" Grateful for that man who raised me right. 

In the words of my beloved ancestors: