Friday, August 9, 2024

Music Quiz Feline Friday Friendly Fill In's


This is fun, Myra posted a music lover's quiz at social media. I have a H U G E play list. In fact it takes up tons of my storage but I LOVE music so I want to do this here. Plus I listen to music most everyday at some point and it is relaxing and fun. Please join in:

Here is a list of Music Lovers rules:

Answer each question with a SONG. No repeats and don't use mine. . Please try not to use the internet although it is very tempting. Have fun! 

Here we go:

Place:  26 Miles (Santa Catalina )

Animal: How Much Is That Doggie In The Window

Number: One Is The Loneliest Number

Colour: Purple Haze

Girl's Name: Oh Donna

Boys Name: My Boy Lollipop (my song for my sweetheart)

Boys Name: Hey Mickey

Day of the Week: Maniac Monday

Weather: Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

C.mon have some fun with me! Thanks Myra!


The caption on this says: "Darling, you will never be everybody's cup of tea! You're champagne! It was the sweetest video clip and the cat spoke in a French accent! Stop by Mimi's and say hi!

ELLEN and LORIANNE co host the Fill In's. I have not been here most of this week but I copied the questions. Here are my answers:

1.Track & Field is my favorite Olympic sport.

2. I won't spend money on anymore books. I have nowhere to keep them. Plus I have donated dozens to the free library house at our rec center .

 3. I've come to the terms with the fact that I want to live only in God's truth and not the world's nonsense.

4. My computer search history includes: checking my trivia answers on the ones I get incorrect. i.e. presidential facts and fun, Civil War battles, state capitals (I am still really good at this one). Thanks Sister Beatrice, Saint Mary's Catholic School, Pueblo, Colorado, 4th grade!

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." Bob Marley

"Music touches us emotionally, where words can't. Johnny Depp

"Music is the universal language of mankind." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In regarding to my fill in answer number 3 this is my fact checker!  Recently at social media, I posted a quote from Elisabeth Elliot as I have followed her since the 1980's. The  fact checkers removed my post saying it was not mine to share. I reported it to the page but nothing has been said or done. So it is another scathing indictment of the world today. I am also very careful sharing any news I get, especially second hand. I am not a 24 hour news watcher. But there are many untruths that go around trying to harm people and their character. So I simply P R A Y.

When I was young there was an expression " If you can't beat 'em join 'em! Uh-no thank you! I am glad I took my dad's advice as a young teen. He would say, "If all your friends were jumping off a tall building are you going to join them? "Nope, absolutely not!" Grateful for that man who raised me right. 

In the words of my beloved ancestors:



Mari said...

I love music too and have lots of play lists of different types of music.
Very irritating about your Elisabeth Elliot quote. It is another sign of the times, and I'm not joining them either.

Mevely317 said...

Thanks for playing along, girlie! Right away, I was hearing every one of those songs in my head!
Downhill skiiing and the luge are my fav Olympic events. I love trivia, too, and that's a good idea to check those 'incorrect.' Learning all the while playing! I'd totally flunk anything related to History, but right there with you on State Capitols. I totally remember sitting in the bathtub while my mother coached me on those. Besides song lyrics, another category I like is British Royalty.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Amen! We really have to pray hard for this country and our freedom. I hope you are having a beautiful Saturday.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I love all the answers and the music quiz and the Gold! haha I was watching the men's diving. Lord I admire that courage jumping so high and hitting that water so beautifully. Have a great weekend dear friend.

My Tata's Cottage said...

My kids say , Mother you tell too many stories and forget to finish what you were talking about. haha Age, I am thinking! But I love music and love seeing everyone's choices. It is funny, dad listened to Jim reeves and he also loved opera. SO I have that wide range. God bless you sweet friend.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

God's Word is the ultimate source of my fact checking, Anne. I've been off social media for years, and I don't regret one minute of that choice.

My Tata's Cottage said...

We are very similar in lots of ways. I guess we are compatible. heehee Glad I know you so well. Have a great week.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I think you are very wise. Perhaps you will pray for me. I met a person through a mutual on line friend. They are super crafty, me not so much. But the person I met is so on the other side and it is very difficult to deal with it. I hate to shut down my social media because I have relatives far away I converse with and friends too. It is getting harder to deal with her hatefulness towards things I post. Yes without the bible, without Jesus, we are nothing and will have nothing. I hope you have a wonderful week.

Sparky said...

Hi TaTa. I saw your comment on Myra's blog about harassment. There's a way to block / remove a "follower" on blogger that might help. I had to do that too. Hope this helps dear. I don't understand why some folks want to just be mean. Blessings. Pamela 💙
Sign in to Blogger.
1. In the top left, next to your blog's name, click the Down arrow .
2. Choose the blog you want to work on.
3. In the left menu, click Stats .
4. At the top, next to “Followers," click the number.
5. Find the follower you want to block and click Block.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful play list ~ and that kitty is adorable ~ living the 'simple life' is for me ~ don't need the world's crazies ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka ( A Creative Harbor)

My Tata's Cottage said...

Thanks Carol, the world has a lot going on. I was raised better but it is hard dealing with others who like to bully. We all have different ideas. How boring we'd be if we were like robots. No thank you. Have a wonderful happy week. It is going by wucikly.

My Tata's Cottage said...

she is at FB but I did block and yet she can still see my posts. I will not stop posting my scripture, it is what keeps me grounded. You are a doll. So many sad things and we all disagree on things. Food, life and how we live it. So much! We need to be better. But I will never bully. I learned that as a small child and it stuck with me forever. I did figure out this blogger blocking business or removing ads and other crazy stuff. Boy life is complicated. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week. I think August is racing away too.