Tuesday, May 7, 2019


It is rainy here. But I love it. It doesn't love my sinuses or allergies but I love the cool air. I love seeing the fog float across the sky. If it doesn't flood, I will love it more. But being grateful, It is a gift. Everyday something beautiful surrounds you. Someday's you have to look a little harder to find it but trust me, it is there.
Social media is filled with this toxic feeling. Nope, not here. Do not want it.
When I feel negative and I have! Especially over the weekend and the Kentucky Derby. But I can still love the beauty in all the magnificent horses. I can not change the world, I can only be better where I am. I saw something sweet recently.
I read a piece about a young black teen shopping in a Dollar General store. He completed his purchase and noticed an older white woman struggling to get out of her car. He set his purchase down and told his cousin he was going to help the elderly lady in the parking lot. His aunt video taped him without his knowledge. The lady apologized. Said she was a bit shaky but needed a few items. He took her arm and guided her into the store and helped her shop. He said he was a bit taken back by the number of grown people who just ignored her. I emphasize their skin color only because we hear so much negativity but very few of these types of wonderful stories.
I always feel better when I can hand out kindness. It is free and it feels good to do it.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad to read a great story of kindness, we need more of these to read. we need proof there are good people in our world. I loved the wedding photo of your family below and congratulations to the couple and to your family...… thanks for your comment on my blog yesterday

The Liberty Belle said...

Very nice post. The world needs more of this.

Kay G. said...

Kindness...it is much in need these days! Thank you for spreading it!

Kay G. said...

May I also mention to you...when I try to follow you, it seems I have a bit of trouble. It says "not secure"? Just thought I would tell you...I wish I could be more helpful but I am a bit along in years now and have to rely on others for help when it comes to technical stuff! :-)

Annsterw said...

It is so great to meet you Ann!!!! I love your blog also!! Thanks for stopping by with kind words in my comments today! I love the positivity and gratitude you spread in your posts!! I am now following you and you can follow back at Annster's Domain if you wish!
Have a great week! HUGS!

jack69 said...

I enjoyed the read very much. Love the attitude and the related incident is sweet. Things like that would help the world, if included in the news.
Thanks for stopping by the shipslog, I did like the comment.
Love from up in PA Dutch country.
Sherry & jack


I love this kind of stories, they fill my heart, as all we do lately is ugly and hateful stories from evil people.
Thanks a ton sweet lady, you've filled my heart.
Thanks for popping in to visit me too.

Chatty Crone said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog.

I love the quote by Maya Angelou - such a brilliant women.

I don't even watch the news anymore!


Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Lovely photos!

Thanks for visiting our blog :)

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Heart warming story of kindness. Lovely pictures of your family.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

🌷 I'm sure the woman was so blessed to have help.
It costs nothing to be kind. Spread sunshine 🌞 all over the place and put on a happy face!
Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

Jeanie said...

Hello, and thank you for coming over to the Marmelade Gypsy this week. It's just delightful to "meet" you and to read this wonderful story about someone who went the extra mile to help someone. I cannot even begin to imagine how that must have affected the woman and hopefully made an impact on others at the store at the time.

Gratitude is so important. Even the little things -- maybe especially the little things -- deserve our thanks and honor.

All the best this lovely Sunday.

Karen said...

I agree with you. I want to be kind to everyone. Your quotes and blog are very inspirational. Thank you for your thoughtful words!

Recep Hilmi TUFAN | rehitu.com said...

We need to respect each other an smile always. Thanks for sharing this story. You made my day!

Crystal Grandeur said...

Thank you very much to visit me. Happy 2020 to you too. o drop in again
plz. Hugs Sujatha:)

Nancy Chan said...

I am glad you shared the deed of kindness and also we should judge a person by their skin colour. We are thankful for this morning's heavy downpour because it was very hot and without rain for the past weeks. Today we are enjoying a nice cool day.

Ann said...

What a sweet story about that boy helping the elderly lady do her shopping. Too bad you don't read more of that kind of thing in the papers. It's nice to know there are good people in the world.

messymimi said...

What a happy and uplifting post! Thank you, and i am sorry you are having such trouble on your other blog, hope you find a way to solve it. In these days of being home more, perhaps you could try to get help from the blog platform (blogger, wordpress, whatever you use).

messymimi said...

There is kindness and something tor which to be grateful all of the time, as you say, we need to look, and hand out some kindness whenever we can. Have a great day!

Nancy Chan said...

A grateful person is a happy person. If only everyone stop to show kindness regardless of our skin colour.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We are all working a little harder right now to stay positive! Take care this week and stay healthy!