Monday, April 29, 2024




1. What's the best thing to inherit besides money?

Good manners, good morals and respect for others.

2. What one thing would you like to happen tomorrow?

To find my missing cell phone. Driving me crazy, saying it is in my home.

3. Who is the person with whom you have been  most infatuated?

Not as an adult but as a pre teen and young teen probably Mark Lindsay

from Paul Revere and the Raiders

4. What part of the day does the time go slowest and fastest?

Depends on the day but usually the mid day is slow while evenings go fast.

5. Whose thoughts would you most like to read?

The Good Lord's but I doubt He would let me.

6. Who is the person you would least like to touch?

I plead the fifth! It would get too political. U G H !

7. What is the best quality you inherited from your parents?

Their kind heart, their respect of others and the love they had for phamily.

8. Who is the friend you most often disagree with?

That would have been Sharon my BFF. She left this life in 2021.

We were total opposites but we respected each other and had a great

best friend relationship.

9. What's the best ritual of your daily life?

My early morning quiet time with the Lord , reading Scripture and


10. What is the most useful job you ever had?

My first job and my job at the UCHSC. I made lifelong

friends at both places and learned a lot about totally different


11. In which year of your life did you change the most?

1984 when I was newly married and had to have brain surgery.

I knew my husband was a keeper and all the pain and suffering

was worth it, because he never left my side.

12. What's the best thing you've ever gotten for free?

Sound advice from my dad. He had a 4th grade education and

worked as a steel worker. Still the most intelligent person I ever knew.

13. What is the best thing you are good at?

Raising good children and having the opportunity to help raise a

great grandson when he was newborn to age two. 

14. What was the luckiest moment of your life?

Probably marrying my best guy friend, my husband Avery.

15. What is the single most important thing you ever learned?

That God exists, He loves everyone of us and He wants us to live in

eternity with Him forever.


Happy Anniversary to Sandee and Zane. Wishing you more happiness with many years ahead of you. 



Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Let's talk about you personally.

1. Do you pamper yourself at all? If yes, how do you do that?  I try to brush my hair with a boar's hair brush every night before bedtime with 100 strokes! I use a morning and night cleanser and moisturizer's. I need to exercise more, but try to do some walking and still follow Jack Lalanne old you tube videos for exercise.

2.What kinds of foods/dishes do you consider to be a real treat? Do you often pamper yourself by having them? This is where I fail! I love good food and have a terrible sweet tooth. Sometimes I wish I were like a cat, who can not sweet. hahaha I love pasta and good desserts plus bread. All the carbs I need to shed from my life!

3. What  luxury item/items do you consider would be very hard to do without? (like buying books, having your hair done.. just about anything you really could do without but prefer not to.)

Buying books is the hardest one, I think I currently have 14 waiting for me to read. I get a hair cut with shampoo about every 6 weeks as a real treat and hope to save to get some highlights. Otherwise I am thrifty.

4. What kind of holiday or vacation would be a total luxury with which you might pamper yourself? Honestly,  I would like to travel more and visit our youngest daughter and her little phamily in Western NY. They live on acreage and just walking around the property, breathing fresher air and enjoying the quiet is a real luxury. I do love a good mountain retreat or a day or two or ten at the beach too


Sandee said...

I love your answers to the questions. You made me smile.

Thank you for the anniversary graphic. So beautiful. We both are lucky gals.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, Anne. ♥

Sparky said...

Have a friend text your cell # so you can find it. Hopefully the sound is up. I've texted or called my husbands when his gets mislaid.
Fun post.
Have a glorious day!

Mevely317 said...

Anne, I so love your answers!
I laughed out loud at #6 (right there with you!). My relationship with my BFF is like that; we're practically opposites on everything from politics to food to relaxation -- but long agreed to not go there. Citing your father's advice is great ... far better than any material thing.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I agree that you found such an amazing husband in Avery, Anne. Not many would want to take that sickness thing seriously at such a young age, but keepers are keepers!
I do hope you can locate your phone before the battery power give out, for sure. I do try to put mine in the same place consistently when I'm not using it. Be sure to let us know about the outcome.

Visits With Mary said...

Jack Lalanne, wow, that's going way back! He was great and I can remember exercising along with him. Walking around the acreage at your daughter's place sounds so good. Happy Tuesday 4!

Annie said...

I remember Jack Lalanne. I hope you get to visit your phamily more often!!

Lisa said...

It sounds like you had a great relationship with your friend!! Your daughter's acreage sounds lovely!!

messymimi said...

Those are wonderful answers!

Hena Tayeb said...

Aww your husband sure sound like a keeper..
Lovely post.