I have many drafts sitting in my blogs here but no need to post them currently. Instead I will post a few random thoughts. Many of you know our son-in-law Roger is in a fight for his life. Today at 7:30 A.M. they are going to do surgery to remove the mass on his brain. He has more ahead of him in treatment so pray as you would be so greatly appreciated. It is funny how God works. In 1984 as a new bride I was struck with my first neurosurgery. Then after the birth of our first son in 1985 another surgery and finally a third one in November 1985. My original neurosurgeon quipped, if the darn thing was made in Japan it might have worked better but they make these parts right here in the USA! But let's not talk about me. The neurosurgeon who followed this gal after all that trauma is the surgeon who will do the surgery for Roger this morning. He is a godly man, giving all the glory to Jesus Christ and His Father God. It is the one calm and peace I do have waiting for this surgery and hopefully some answers. The doctor is humble and very brilliant although he would look you straight in the eye and say his talent comes from God, he is just the instrument God uses to help people. It helps keep my heart quiet while we sit and wait.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I love laughter. It is good for the soul. It helps heal. So pray if you would here too. Our little grandson has double pink eye in both of his eyes. They were here SONday for Father's Day. Last night lucky me, hahaha, saw pink eye in my right eye. Oh joy of joy! I left an email message for my doctor and pray he will call in a prescription when he arrives today. The good news in all of this is, I just finished all the bedding in Hannah's old room as she and Jake will be here this weekend. The boys were watching TV in there and so now I have to redo all that laundry! But I am the person, who as a young mother, learned to love laundry. I prayed as I sorted, washed, folded and put it all away. I still do it today so it is not a being deal for me. Just a little extra work. There is the cutest book I found. It is titled "The Clothesline". Sheer joy.

It is a very sweet little book. Hanging bedding on the clothesline is a favorite of mine. In this warm and sunny weather I enjoy hanging the sheets out to dry and retrieving them because they smell sweet and fresh and clean once again! I enjoyed this book but I love all the simplicities in life anyway.
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. "Psalm 73:26
Yet we still have those 70's babies still walking on this earth!
You will find me posting quotes from three of my favorite people from my Catholic school days ....Fulton J Sheen, words he spoke in the 1930's are ringing still true today. He was a light of widsom for me as a young lady. He passed from this life in 1979. He was a true man of God and a speaker of truth.
Augustine of Hippo was another favorite. I share a quote by him here today.
Blaise Paschal, the guy just amazed me as Math & Science were not my strong suits! Today I am truly thankful for having the life I had as a child. I would run away scared from the world today. I can not imagine parenting in these dark times. ...And so I pray...
My girl Hannah wrote these words from my mother on this sweet frame for me. It hangs above my side of the bed.
I hope you visit Sandee for me today. I miss blogging regularly, it is just these health glitches have wrecked havoc. Although I remember the words of my dear sweet friend Chris from our working days at the University Hospital, "do you know that in all the years I have worked with you ladies I never spent one dime on mental health care. You were my sounding boards, my lift when I was down." Aw..... I feel the same way about all of them. Thanks Chris and Jean and Lorna for still being in my life today. I often wake up and say, let me call Sharon....and then I remember the Good Lord took her home last May 2021. She was a medical walking encyclopedia. I hope you are rooting for Roger up there my friend!
Wordless Wednesday