We had rainy, cold, dreary weather. The grass is starting to green up beautifully but I am praying my poor little lilac bush is not going to perish in the aftermath of too much water on it! I am backward because my Feline Friday and the answers to my Friendly Fill In's did not publish Friday and disappeared into thin air! So I am trying to recreate it this morning. Let me get started:
Aw...Monday Since I never got over here last week, it was a wild week. Too much going on. But I had all these notions and ideas and thought, even though Miss Shea Avery Marie turned 3 on the 19th, I would come celebrate.
With Jacey starting a brand new job working with law enforcement and Colton traveling so much for his job, we did not celebrate B I G for Shea. But we have a gift filled with goodies for her. This was her first birthday back in 2021. We love this girl, full of spunk, sunshine, orneriness and 100 percent pure PINK and girlies. Oh she can hold her own with the boys but if you ask her to go on line shopping she will sit quietly while she picks out all the pink pretties for herself. We love you Miss Shea Avery Marie.
Noelle and Shea and myself on her 2021 birthday. When she is with me, Shea loves to take her two Bitty babies and wrap them in their cozy blankets. Then we shoot hops. She loves basketball as much as her brother Harrison James and her cousins Addy, Brody and Blake. Happy Birthday beautiful Shea. We love you so much.
Grammie Noelle is in Florida. She and Christal traveled there this weekend to celebrate Roger's life and visit his birthplace and see some sights. Their hotel is right on the ocean. Ah.... what a good time they will have with many beautiful memories.
Sparks for Monday. We finally have a bit of Springtime weather. It is 62 right now and the high will be 76. Save those heat waves for July and August
We had a few days with awful smokey skies and such pollution you could barely see our beautiful mountain ranges. The fires raging in Alberta Canada, and the air quality traveled over 1300 hundred miles here. Friends in Texas and Illinois were dealing with it too. Grateful the rain washed away most of it.
We love our Denver Nuggets. When Avery and I were newly married we attended many games for pennies on the dollar. Nick and Addy were lucky to get $7 tickets the week before the playoffs started. We are so happy they have won and pray they can finish it with the Lakers tonight in LA. We never saw the dramatics back in the older days of basketball. Just old fashioned basketball which we love.
These guys play to win and they gave their all. We are praying for a big win tonight.I still have Friendly Fill In's from 10 days ago. Here they are:
1. I've got a yen for another carnival with lots of food trucks.
2. I would gladly trade this life on earth for eternity in heaven.
3. It seems like only yesterday I was young and silly and carefree.
4. If you offered me a million dollars, I would share it with others less fortunate than me.
love is... always has the best things to share.Please pray for MaryDon, she is back in the hospital and dealing with her skin cancer. Pray for Canada and the fires raging. Pray for America, things are changing too quickly and I am so sad so many I know personally wish to live under socialism.
Maine Coon Kittens |
Feline Friday
If you have a cat does your cat watch TV? My big boy, an orange tabby, loves this commercial about cats on TV and he watches it so eagerly. The cats are just like him. I think it is very sweet considering he has been a real pistol this past week.
We took this selfie waiting for Rebekah and Zach to come back with some goodies at the Carnival with Food Trucks this weekend. The music was fun and upbeat, the carnival atmosphere was something and the food choices were plentiful. I will be posting on my blog https://annesphamily.blogspot.com more. We were hungry so we never took photos of our food. Have a blessed and beautiful new week.