Thursday, July 18, 2024


Wordless Wednesday 

      #chapelincarthage,missouri  #restinpeacesambutcher

Since I forgot to send my posts  here I am again!

I am always on the go, running here and there.  My goodness, we had two days of lovely 70 something temps and now today back to the 90's. I was thankful for the cool down. we have suffered with a few triple digits. 

I had posted the Chapel in Carthage, Missouri, home of Precious Moments. I have collected them for many years. But Sam Butcher, who passed away May 20, 2024 was the man who inspired PM with his art and later the beautiful chapel. Have you ever been there?


I am thankful I had the opportunity to collect many pieces from Precious Moments. They are very expensive, like everything else, today. Occasionally I see one at ebay and snap it up. But sorting many of them to giveaway to the grands.

Jacey had a birthday June 19. June was  a busy birthday month. and  Colton and Noelle hosted a BBQ. Noelle made creme brulee for the birthday  

My late father-in-law  Carl was born on June 19th too. He was a real gem of a father-in-law and I will always miss him. He left us so very young at 64. But his wisdom thankfully remains.

Colton had a June 7 birthday and Rebekah the 14th. Now we are into July. Hannah celebrated July 3 and will celebrate again with us next weekend. She shared her birthday with my dad's younger brother Frank who passed away in the 1918 Influenza Epidemic. Avery shares his birthday with my late dad on the 23rd. Unfortunately it is also the day his mom Rita passed away in 2010 . My brother Ed was born July 5 and my paternal grandmother Mary on July 29.

I had planned to come here yesterday but it was the 37th year of the loss of our unborn daughter Rachel Lee and it is still hard for me to think of that tremendous loss. It should have been her birthday but she was taken on March 27 a day my big sis Pat was born. She is home as well now so it is all just a difficult time.

A sweet friend lost her newborn daughter 2 years ago. She shared this regarding grief:

Don't try to fix because that implies

that grief is a problem to be solved 

When in reality grief has no solutions.

No cure. No end. It is the most pure

expression of this human condition.

I love this expression here.  I am thankful I found it. Our son Jeremy had Smokey who sat like this is a chair and he was a large part  lab/boxer.

Our kids with the baby are probably 4-6 hours away from us. Thankfully we  are so ready to see that boy because he is growing up and getting bigger and more handsome each day. Plus his cousins are anxious to see him. I think they will encourage him to play baseball and basketball with them. I have never met a baby boy who did not gleefully clap when he sees a ball. My friend Eric told me his son Quinn would see a basketball and shout Baaccckkkkeee Ball! 

My life is blessed many good things. I am so thankful for boys that come to visit us. Last Saturday in the 100 plus heat Brody hit a baseball over my head, whizzing by my shoulder on the way! Blake caught me with a crazy slam on top of the gazebo and through my feet in my wicker rocking chair!  Those two are power hitters. Lookout MLB, here they come!


Sandee said...

Lots of thankful things and a beautiful church. May he rest in peace.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

Katie Isabella said...

Loved every word and the picture of the chapel. It is truly nice meeting you today/

I started collecting Cherished Teddies but they became very hard to find though I searched the internet for them. I had a workmate who loved Precious Moments.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Grief for the loss of a loved one never goes away, does it? It may lessen to a degree, but those anniversary times can bring it all back to us. Blessings, Anne, and enjoy those beautiful grandchildren while you can.

Mari said...

I'm so sorry about the loss of your Rachel Lee.
I also collected Precious Moments. I sold quite a few of mine, but now it seems no one buys them anymore.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs as you remember your sweet girl. I enjoyed reading the other things a lot though!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Mevely317 said...

So many anniversaries of the heart! Say their names!!!

The Precious Memories figures are so whimsical. I never owned one; instead many Willow Tree people. I'm actually trying to sell the remaining 3 out on eBay.

messymimi said...

Your post is so full, memories happy and sad. The baby we lost was buried on the day that should have been your daughter's birthday. My heart is with you, the pain doesn't go away, it just gets a bit easier to live with.

Forgetfulone said...

Beautiful church, and that cat sitting is hilarious!