Wednesday, December 2, 2020

December Days of Thankfulness


1. I am thankful for clean water. I was looking over our water bill and I realized how important clean water is. When we have had plumbing issues I do realize the joy of having running water. I also am very thankful that I can have cold filtered water right from my fridge.

2. I am thankful for my vitamins. I have always been good about taking them but this year we both amped out our vitamins. There are some things you can not overdo and Vitamin C is something I love. People say they do not even go outside of their homes. I am stunned. The air and the sun (if it is shining) is so very important. Be thankful. Take some good vitamins.

3. I am also thankful for essential oils. Whenever I feel nauseous or overly tired, stuffy or  simply grumpy, I have a combination of essential oils that I use. With the hubby getting a cough I boiled a kettle of water and poured it into a bowl for him.  I added my favorite oil, DoTerra Breathe. He slept more soundly. But we also use Elderberry Syrup and that works like a cough stopping charm. Thankful for so many natural remedies Thankfulness

4. Thankful for siblings of which I have three still living and one who passed away in 2001.

Two of my siblings Bill and Mary. I am searching for my lone sibling photo with all 5 of us. I need to show off my brother Ed too and our late sister Pat. Thankful.

5. Thankful for good shoes! When I was young I wore all sorts of silly shoes usually from the stores that sold them for style certainly not comfort or shoes that were classic. Today I wear good shoes. If I buy shoes today they have to be ultra comfy. Thankful

6. Thankful for puppies and Leo. The kids went on their trip for their anniversary so we are watching all the pets including the two cats, their cat and our cat. It is fun. Leo sleeps on his luxury orthopedic bed downstairs with them but the pups stay in a large enclosed area downstairs so there is not any funny business after the lights go out. HaHaHa! Thankful for this furry crew.

7. Thankful for whipped cream. Ha, you are probably thinking how weird but we are not Cool Whip people. Did you know it is petroleum based? No thank you. A gal I met through a LuLaRoe friend gave me a simple fruit salad recipe just like one my mom use to make when I was a kid. My mom used quality ingredients to bake and prepare desserts. I will share this simple fruit said here. Thankful.

Fruit Salad

Red and Green Grapes, cut in half

Apples cut and diced

Bananas sliced

Maraschino Cherries

Miniature Marshmallows

Whipped Cream.

You can gage how much you want to make and use the amount of apples, grapes and bananas. ALso I like to add cherries and marshmallows depending on how I feel. My SIL Joyce use to make a similar fruit salad but it was frozen and sliced. I will have to search for that recipe too.

8. Thankful for music. I Love music and have a large playlist or many, many play lists. Today my oldest son Jeremy posted a Quarantine Playlist. It was quite clever.  One of my favorite old songs You Can't Touch That (M C Hammer) would have been at the top of a Quarantine Playlist. Thankful

9. Thankful for encouragement. I belong to a group and we send encouragement to people. I may have repeated myself here but I love doing it and I love buying cards and finding the perfect one to send a person. I am thankful for friends I have had a friend send me supplies and money to help with postage and other expenses. I was grateful and thankful but I will continue this quest until I can no longer do it. Thankful.

10. Thankful for baking. I don't bake quite as much as I use to for the holidays but I still love it. I have a roll of sugar cookie dough chilling that I am going to bake some cookies from. Tomorrow, God willing. I use to make the best peanut brittle but somewhere along the way I lost the recipe. My mom had an old cookbook called Searchlight from the 1940's-1950's. It had a black cover and many recipes were so easy and good. I wish I knew what happened to her cookbooks. ;-( But I am thankful for the few I have written in her handwriting  or typed by my cousin Joanne. I also have a Million Dollar fudge recipe that my cousin Sharon perfected.  A few years ago I bought the hubby a pound of See's fudge. It was so rich I am not sure we ever finished it. But there is a local company in Colorado that makes the very best toffee. We use to order it from our dairy delivery but after ten years I had to part ways with them. I  found the toffee at a Christmas Market a few years back so I can go directly to them to purchase it. It is the best toffee ever. We don't do Enstrom's which is also a local co. Thankful, Grateful and Blessed for all the memories, the ideas, the stories, I have shared here. 

I am going to keep using my blog here for the most part, to share these thankful moments. I find it helps my attitude stay happy not that  I am lacking in happiness with my built in comedy act hubby around. Have a blessed rest of the week and be thankful.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thankful for all Bakers because I don't bake but I sure do like to eat it! Also I'm thankful that you put this recipe for the fruit salad because that's what my mother used to make except he did add a little bit of Pineapple and with hers. And you're right it wouldn't taste right if used anything except real whipped cream. The free dinner that we got had this very similar thing but it used instead of whipped cream sour cream and marshmallows Bob said it was delicious

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful thankful list and sweet photo ^_^

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Mevely317 said...

Oh, happy day!
I've been so remiss, remembering to take my vitamins. I agree, if there's a natural remedy to be found and it does the trick, that's far better.
That photo of the Enstrom's toffee is doing a number with my brain. I've purchased from them in the past, but nothing can compare to that my mother used to make. (*sigh*) LOVE this picture of you with your brother and sister. Blessed!