I'm a day late but all day yesterday I thought about all the wonderful women in my life and their strong willed personalities and all their accomplishments.
I don't know Danica Patrick personally but I have loved auto racing since I was a kid! She was in a commercial recently. My great grandboy Harrison saw her and said Vroom Vroom! I said, do you know her? He said Uh-huh! I said, is it because she drives cars fast? He said Yeah, vroom vroom!
My beautiful grandmother Cecilia, the mother of my mom and all her siblings. She was the strongest women I ever knew. I celebrate her every single day I live.
My mom loved Babe Didrikson Zaharis. Although she is more famous for her golf game, she was a superb athlete . She was outstanding in basketball,baseball, golf and track and field. My mother loved baseball and played it well. These are some of the women I celebrate.
My folks were sterling examples of good faithful people. My mother always stood by my father and she raised wonderful children. She was a people person, an athlete and faithful mother to her children and a devoted wife. She loved the Lord and reminded me everyday to "pray".
My childhood hero Annie Oakley. As a kid I wanted to be just like her. She was amazing and never backed down when compared to men who were sharpshooters.
Rebekah and Noelle, my two older daughters. This was a cute candid shot at Rebekah's wedding in December. Both of them work in insurance and they are both smart and sassy. Love my phamily.
Pray for this sweet grandboy. Babies always need prayer. Here is telling his dad he is not interested in sleep but rather playtime.
I share Scripture with Harrison everytime he is with me. He loves his little bible, it is designed for his small hands. I hope one day he will cherish it as I treasure my first bible.
Come visit Beverly at Pink Saturday and share.
A sweetheart of a friend I met at blogging and Pink Saturday sent me this beautiful bible. Although she asked that she remain anonymous I cherish this gift and that sweet lady too. The cover is so soft and exquisite and I read from this bible daily.
Check out the pink sofa peeking in this Scripture post and visit some Pinkies today.